Displace Everything in TouchDesigner using SOP Instances and Noise TOP as Z-axis Displacer

Discover how to create a displacement effect along the Z-axis using various noise models to generate organic textures in TouchDesigner. 👉https://okamirufu.link/project_files_collections

*Video Summary*

00:00 *Intro:* Overview of the displacement technique and its application in TouchDesigner.

00:10 *Core Networks:* Setting up networks for x/y coordinates and z displacement using constants, grids, and pattern operators.

01:06 *Noise and Feedback:* Adding Noise, Blur, and Composite operators for texture generation. Incorporating a Feedback loop for dynamic layering.

02:21 *SOP Geometry:* Creating a Sphere SOP with Transform and PBR materials to generate the main visual elements. Setting up lights and ramps for reflections.

03:18 *Post-Processing:* Applying Ambient Occlusion, Level adjustments, and RGB key to finalize the render output.

04:02 *Animating with LFO and Noise:* Using ABS Time expressions to animate noise and patterns. Adjusting parameters for smooth movement.

05:10 *Fine-Tuning Materials:* Enhancing metallic textures and reflections using Phong material settings.

06:02 *Creative Adjustments:* Experimenting with blend modes, composite settings, and noise amplitude to refine the displacement effect.

06:53 *Outro:* Reviewing the results, encouraging experimentation, and showcasing the visual output.


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*Merch:* 👉 https://society6.com/okamirufu
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#touchdesigner , #generativeart , #creativecoding , #digitalart , #interactivedesign , #vjloops , #motiongraphics , #newmediaart , #projectionmapping

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