Advanced518 Videos

Parameters in TouchDesigner

Learn about the different ways to connect TouchDesigner parameters to data sources and what the best approaches are for different situations. Even if you’re already familiar with the concepts, there’s still a bunch of information about the pros and cons of each. 0:00 Intro 0:36 Parameter Modes 1:07 Constants 1:39 Expressions 6:37 CHOP Exports 8:36 […]

Mastering GLSL in TouchDesigner, Lesson 8: FBM Noise

In this lesson of Mastering GLSL in TouchDesigner, we explore Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM) Noise, a powerful technique for layering multiple noise functions to create complex, organic textures. You’ll learn how FBM accumulates scaled noise octaves to introduce self-similarity and fractal patterns, and how to implement it efficiently in GLSL using for loops, gain, and […]

Mastering GLSL in TouchDesigner, Lesson 7: Cellular Noise and Voronoi Textures

In this lesson of Mastering GLSL in TouchDesigner, we explore cellular noise and Voronoi diagrams, two powerful techniques for procedural texture generation. Unlike Perlin or Simplex noise, cellular noise partitions space based on the distance from a pixel to a set of points, creating organic, structured patterns. You’ll learn how to implement this in GLSL […]

TouchPy Workshop at SML Berlin

Full video of the TouchPy workshop at the Spatial Media Lab in Berlin. Big thanks to AlphaMoonBase and the rest of SML team for providing the space for us to do the workshop. Actual files used in workshop:   / discord   (more examples and better documented examples coming soon) docs: to install: pip install touchpy

TouchDesigner Vol.061 Working with 3D city models with Madoka Kohno

Tokyo Developers Study Weekend TouchDesigner Vol.061 Working with 3D city models with Madoka Kohno Document for the workshop 昨年行われた TDA 主催の TDA Sandbox #3 “TouchDesignerのプラグインを使う” が好評だったので、3D 都市モデルの PLATEAU に関するワークショップの拡大版を開催させていただくことになりました。TouchDesigner や 3D 都市モデルの活用に興味のある方など、是非ご参加ください!(内容は重複する部分もあります)。 ■ 内容 このワークショップでは、TouchDesignerを活用し、3D都市モデルや空間情報を制作に取り入れる方法を学びます。以下を通じて、都市情報の可視化の可能性を広げます。  1. 3D都市モデルをTouchDesignerで使う魅力 2. 都市モデルデータの基本知識 ・平面直角座標と緯度経度の変換 ・便利な変換ツールの紹介 ・PLATEAUデータの特徴と活用法 3. TouchDesigner用PLATEAUプラグインの利用方法 ④PLATEAUプラグインを活用した制作の実践 ■ 日時 2025/2/26(水) 18:00-20:30 ■ 場所 404 Not Found 東京都渋谷区桜丘町1-4 […]

TouchDesigner Vol.061 Working with 3D city models with Madoka Kohno

Tokyo Developers Study Weekend TouchDesigner Vol.061 Working with 3D city models with Madoka Kohno 昨年行われた TDA 主催の TDA Sandbox #3 “TouchDesignerのプラグインを使う” が好評だったので、3D 都市モデルの PLATEAU に関するワークショップの拡大版を開催させていただくことになりました。TouchDesigner や 3D 都市モデルの活用に興味のある方など、是非ご参加ください!(内容は重複する部分もあります)。 ■ 内容 このワークショップでは、TouchDesignerを活用し、3D都市モデルや空間情報を制作に取り入れる方法を学びます。以下を通じて、都市情報の可視化の可能性を広げます。  1. 3D都市モデルをTouchDesignerで使う魅力 2. 都市モデルデータの基本知識 ・平面直角座標と緯度経度の変換 ・便利な変換ツールの紹介 ・PLATEAUデータの特徴と活用法 3. TouchDesigner用PLATEAUプラグインの利用方法 ④PLATEAUプラグインを活用した制作の実践 ■ 日時 2025/2/26(水) 18:00-20:30 ■ 場所 404 Not Found 東京都渋谷区桜丘町1-4 Shibuya Sakura Stage SHIBUYA SIDE […]

TimeCode TouchDesigner Part 2 Generative Responsive UI With Python Extensions and Module On Demand

In this episode we will build a responsive UI component to save and recall presets. Use python extensions for concise scripting solution to store and load custom parameters. Next, use Modules On Demand to edit saved presets directly from our UI. This tutorial uses the Lister Component, from the palette. The Modules On Demand portion […]

Generative Point Clouds with TOPs & SOPs in TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 195

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: TouchDesigner includes a number of ways for working with point clouds, whether you’re looking to import pre-existing files or […]

Mastering Blob Tracking in TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 193

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Scott Mann provides an in-depth look at blob tracking in TouchDesigner, drawing from a recent installation where he utilized the Blob Track TOP to create […]

Audio Reactive Visuals With Touchdesigner: Displacement Noise Instances u/ Particles & UV Map Basics

In this video, we’ll use instances to create organic shapes in Touchdesigner and learn UV mapping for instancing. Project Files Here 👉 ============== Free VJ Pack Collections – Over 150 Videos and Growing 👉 Shop Conceptual VJ Packs, Plugins & More 👉 AI voice I used: 👉 ============== Video Summary 00:00 Intro […]

【Gem Seed】Model conversion effect—Arduino part | TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL (Beginner Friendly)

You can ask me anything about Touchdesigner or get my TD plug-in on my discord Or follow me on: IG: Hope you like it! 【Gem Seed】Touchdesigner Course (Chinese Version) English version coming soon on Udemy!

Kinect time slices and particles – TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL #3

Welcome to this third tutorial! I hope my explanations are clear enough, don’t hesitate to give me any advice! If you want a complete and fast access to this project : Share with me your creations, your modifications, ideas, etc. 🙂 Supermarket salad’s Life Component : Colour Lover Palette Picker : You […]

Destroy Pointclouds with Your Hands in Touchdesigner!

DOWNLOAD this file and other free project files on my pateron here: Mediapipe: — Patreon : Website : Instagram : #audiovisual #touchdesigner #3drender #objecttracking #td #download #visualizer #download #freeprojectfile #td #touchdesignercommunity #touchdesignerlearning

Manhattan Distances in Touchdesigner

I hope you enjoy this fun project. Consider subscribing to keep up to date with my new videos! Project Patreon: Instagram:

Interactive real-time Fluid's in TouchDesigner using T3D

In this video you see how to use either the Leap Motion sensor or the Media Pipe plugin to create an interactive fluid simulation in TouchDesigner using T3D. Additionally, we advect a point cloud with the fluid velocity. T3D and Project File: Media Pipe Plugin: 00:00 Intro 05:00 Setup 09:42 Moving Things with […]

Floating Bubbles in TouchDesigner with Refractive PBR Material!

Take your refractive shader skills to the next level by integrating them into a Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) pipeline! 🌌 In this follow-up tutorial, we’ll create a stunning scene of bubbles floating through the air, showcasing realistic refraction, chromatic dispersion, and light interaction within a PBR framework. Learn how to combine multiple render passes, advanced shader techniques, and […]

Bullet Solver and TDAbleton in TouchDesigner

This tutorial uses the Bullet Solver and TDAbleton to create a mouse based interactive in TouchDesigner. We’ll touch on the Bullet Dynamics operators, render picking, adding visual effects, and finally triggering audio in both TouchDesigner and Ableton Live. The project is based on the “multiTouch” example found in the palette, which is examined in the […]

Infection (Using T3D) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 18

In this tutorial, I’m showcasing the ‘Infection’ system/component I developed using the T3D (3D Texture Operators) Toolkit created by Josef Pelz. You can download the toolkit from Josef’s Patreon page: To access the ‘Infection’ system/component and its example file, please follow these steps: Subscribe to Josef Pelz’s Patreon page at the required tier to […]

collision with sensors (after party) in TouchDesigner

I said I’ll have this for my patrons but it seems like part 2 of my previous tutorial ‘collision with sensors’ and so I’ll have it here. I really hope you like this tutorial. This .toe file is available for my patrons in tier2 ‘play’. Thank you massive. TD_Voronoi by Yea Chen .toe file […]

Refraction, Transparency and Dispersion: GLSL Materials in TouchDesigner

Explore the mesmerizing world of refraction, dispersion, and chromatic aberration in 3D scenes! 🌈 This video dives into shader effects inspired by real-world light physics, including bending light through transparent meshes, achieving chromatic dispersion, and multi-pass rendering. Learn how to use tools like TouchDesigner and GLSL to create stunning real-time visuals featuring techniques like Frame […]

Use Mocap / Kinect Easily with UE5 & TouchDesigner [Tutorial] | Unreal Engine OSC

Project Setup: Kinect Azure SDK: Kinect One SDK: Kinect Windows Runtime: NTRCT Patreon: Free chapter from Course 3 of the ‘Learn By Doing’ Season 2, this condensed course equips you with sought-after skills to seamlessly integrate Unreal Engine 5, Kinect, and TouchDesigner OSC. Sub-Chapters: 00:00 | 0. Introduction 00:26 | […]

SDF Interference Patterns in TouchDesigner

In this update to an earlier video, I will show you how to draw interference patterns on screen with a mouse, as well as how to use any type of SDF (not just a circle) to create interesting, dynamic patterns interactively. We will also look at writing simple python in TouchDesigner, using extensions, and a […]

3D Projection Mapping Tutorial with Photogrammetry and TouchDesigner

Learn how to master 3D projection mapping! This complete workflow covers everything you need, from photogrammetry to build a virtual model of your real-world object, to using TouchDesigner and CamSchnappr with the sweetspot method for perfect 3D mapping, fine adjusting with the Stoner Tool and creating content that seamlessly fits on your surface. Find the […]

collision with sensors in TouchDesigner

This is my first developed method for collision with search optimization, which can solve the collision of tens of thousands of particles. I really hope you like this method and you make good use of it. Thank you massive for your support. .toe file (Patreon tier 3):… Subscribe to this channel to get notified […]

OSCToolset v2.0 – Communicating between TouchDesigner and Unreal Engine 5

Get the plugin here: Or here: OSCToolset is a plugin for Unreal Engine 5 that simplifies the OSC workflow from TouchDesigner. It is designed to work on Runtime and streamlines the creation of the OSC Client / Server so that you can directly send data from one software to another. Discord! If you […]

Cymatics in TouchDesigner

Cymatics are an amazing phenomenon created by resonant waves, which cause sand or other small particles to form beautiful, self-organized patterns. A very common example of cymatics are Chladni plates, a special case of this cool effect! In this tutorial, we will first understand what cymatics are and how they function, then use simple math […]

Gray-Scott Reaction Diffusion in TouchDesigner (Part 2)

Take your reaction-diffusion system even further in this tutorial, which will teach you how to tweak your shader for easy tiling + rendering on a sphere, build a quick-and-easy preset system to keep track of different parameter settings, and add interaction with the mouse! Building on Part 1, available here: Find me online! My […]

Volumetric Ray Marching – TouchDesigner Tutorial 15

I’m super excited to share two components with you: ‘VolumetricGeo,’ which runs volumetric ray marching to render 3D textures as volumes, and ‘soptoTexture3D,’ which allows you to convert any SOP or instances of SOPs into 3D textures, and then render them with ‘VolumetricGeo.’ The project file and components are available exclusively on my Patreon for […]

ComfyUI (Generative AI) with TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Generative AI is an in demand skill in all creative industries. It’s usefulness changes depending on the different ways you integrate it into your pipeline. […]

Diffusion Limited Aggregation – TouchDesigner Tutorial 14

In this tutorial, I’m showing a Diffusion Limited Aggregation system that I recently developed. You can access the project file and component exclusively on my Patreon, available for patrons only. Hope you like it! If you have any questions feel free to ask. You can support me on Patreon: Or follow me on Instagram: […]

TouchDesigner – Particles SOP

In this video, we explore Particle SOP. Please join me on Patreon: I’m uploading some of the files soon: Here —– ☁ All videos have generated English Subtitle which I edited them and I tried to highlight the important parts. 👩‍💻 Stay tune and Subscribe to get notification for new videos! IG:

Adam Ferriss’ Churning Hue Cycle Shader in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: For this next video in our artist-inspired series, we’re going to adapt a shader created by Adam Ferriss for […]

Gray-Scott Reaction Diffusion in TouchDesigner (Part 1)

Learn to simulate the awesome Gray-Scott reaction diffusion system in TouchDesigner, using GLSL shaders. We discuss the mathematical basis of the system, how to implement it in shaders, tiling, and how to color the simulation using any palette! Find me online! My portfolio: Instagram: Project Files on Patreon: Gray Scott Reaction Diffusion […]

strange attractor in TOPs TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there – to make more of these possible – and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —– References: Object CHOP reference video by Lake Heckaman: […]

Sanity Check LIVE project breakdown [TouchDesigner, T3D, Bitwig, TouchOSC]

Project breakdown of my solo audiovisual live performance of, as part of the Organysmo event. Using volumetric lights from LedPulse. We dissect my TouchDesigner and Bitwig project files as much as we can, and get an understanding how I structured my live set – to be able to play live music and control the […]

Level Up Your Studio with Stage Precision SP & TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Have you ever wanted to setup a high-end pro studio with Orbbec sensors, studio lighting, PTZ cameras, broadcast cameras, Stype camera tracking systems and have […]

TD Scripts 1.4.2: a Blender Add-on for Touchdesigner

This instruction video will inform you about the most recent update on our Blender Add-on for Touchdesigner, the 1.4.2 release. By showing you the steps for installing both the TOX and the Add-on and revealing every script that the Add-on currently has to offer, we hope that every Touchdesigner and Blender user realizes that this […]

Volumetric Raymarching in TouchDesigner Explained

In this video I go over how to render a Texture 3D / T3D as a density field to archive volumetric, cloud or foggy outputs. Great article on volumetric rendering: 00:00 Intro 01:43 Explaining the Approach 05:32 The Simple Case 10:37 The General Case 23:40 Using Colors 25:21 Outro

voxels in TouchDesigner

In this one, we play with voxels not to get juicy output like Minecraft, but instead focus on how we can do advanced calculations using voxels. I really hope you like this. Thank you so much for your support. .toe file (Patreon – free to download): … Subscribe to this channel to get notified when […]

LiveTranscribe for TouchDesigner [ new TOX + setup ]

To access the operator, visit Links from the video + info: Mac: How to install Homebrew on Mac – / video Once installed, run this in terminal:brew install python@3.11 Windows: Cuda 11.8 or cuda 12.1 installed. CUDNN Archive – ( More info on CUDNN – ) Python 3.11.9 (windows) – […]

Fluid Cube (Nvidia Flex Solver + T3D) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 13

In this tutorial, I’m showing how I build this Fluid Cube system using Nvidia Flex Solver and T3D (3D Texture Operators) created by Josef Pelz. Big shout-out to Josef for creating this amazing toolkit! You can download the tool kit from josef’s Patreon Page: You can download the Transfrom Vector Componet that I’m using […]

Printing Still Images from TouchDesigner

This quick tutorial will show you how to use easy command line – style tools (along with TouchDesigner’s functionality) to print any TOP to any printer in real time. We will be making use of extensions and Engine COMPs in doing so, making it a great practice project for these topics too! Disclaimer: this one […]

Optical Flow + Instancing – TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL #2

Welcome to this second tutorial! I hope my explanations are clear enough, don’t hesitate to give me any advice! Share with me your creations, your modifications, ideas, etc. 🙂 You can contact me directly on Instagram if you want! Have a good day ♥

Intro to POPs: The New Operator Family in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: If you haven’t already heard, a new operator family is coming to TouchDesigner! Point Operators (POPs for short) are a new family of GPU-based operators […]

Making Audio Reactive Visuals in TouchDesigner

This is my first test streaming TouchDesigner! I’m going to try and build an audio reactive visuals system and see how far I can get in an hour or so.

Easily Make Shaders in TouchDesigner: New Shader Park Plugin for TouchDesigner with T3D Support

In this tutorial we’ll go over the new Shader Park plugin for TouchDesigner. It allows you to easily take your raymarched shaders that run in the browser and bring them natively into TouchDesigner to introduce things like audio reactivity, hook them up to sensors, or render out high quality video. The plugin now supports occluding […]

relax sweetheart in Touchdesigner

here we play with Voronoi iteration or relaxation using the jump flood algorithm built in glsl by Yea Chen with which we build the SDF cells as a ramp to drive the particles to the relax position. I really hope you like this tutorial. This .toe file is available to any Touchdesigner enthusiast for free […]

Sketchy Toon Shader in TouchDesigner

This tutorial looks at porting a sketchy toon shader into TouchDesigner from Jaume Sanchez’s Digital Inktober 2020. Beyond discussing the process of going from Three.js and WebGL to TouchDesigner, I’ll touch on convolution and sobel filters. I’ll also preview a polished version of the shader which is available in the example file. Lastly I’ll […]

Creating Sesh 3: Freeform Raymarching Progress in TouchDesigner with GLSL

Pretty much silent in this one as I get locked in with a wavey scene I’ve been working on & a couple mixes from Maxfield. I refine color/lighting/shading, fix some aliasing in geometry, refine control parameters & shape morphs, etc. etc. Find more of my work on the free & paid tiers of Patreon here: […]

Modelling Phyllotaxis and Zoetropes in TouchDesigner

Model the beauty and complexity of all sorts of plants using a simple – to – program algorithm in TouchDesigner! We will write a short GLSL shader that will implement 2D phyllotaxis, the process by which plants add new organs to their structure (e.g. petals, leaves, seeds, florets). This fascinating algorithm gives rise to many […]

Flocking Effect in TouchDesigner Tutorial

I’ve tried doing this in TouchDesigner for years and have finally figured it out. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a particle effect that combines all three forces a flocking algorithm requires: attract, repel, and follow. Other things you might learn in this tutorial: * Optical flow feedback for liquid effects * Rotate […]

TouchDesigner Operators: DATs

All about the DATs family of operators in TouchDesigner 🖥️ Watch our full TouchDesigner Beginner Crash Course here:

ParticleV – TouchDesigner Tutorial 11

In this tutorial I am covering a particle system and component I have recently developed. It called “ParticleV” and there so many possibilities with the system! The project file will be available on my Patreon for patreons only. Hope you like it! if you have any questions feel free to ask. You can support me […]

Audio Reactive Kaleidoscope Visuals with TouchDesigner Tutorial

Dive into this TouchDesigner tutorial creating generative audio-reactive kaleidoscope visuals. Perfect for all skill levels, we’ll break down complex concepts into simple steps. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a one-of-a-kind, attention-grabbing visual setup that reacts to audio in real-time. More importantly, you’ll acquire practical insights that can be directly applied to a […]

GLSL Particle Simulations in TouchDesigner Tutorial

Whether you’re a programmer or not, GLSL can initially seem intimidating. However, in this video, I aim to make it less daunting. In this tutorial I show how you can create a visually stunning particle system with just a few lines of code, demonstrating that it’s not as complex as it may seem. Other topics […]

Render Pick without MultiTouchInDAT in TouchDesigner

Use any sort of interaction data for render picking, without the MultiTouchDAT! I will show you how to use any chop-based data as a source for render picking, applying these interactions to alter a point cloud instance-by-instance! We will scale, move and recolor instances with ease. If you dont see the point cloud on file […]

Interactive Particles in 3D with TouchDesigner

Making 3D particle systems is pretty easy, and making interactive particle systems in 2D is pretty straightforward, but how can we make 3d particle systems that are still interactive? In this tutorial, I explore a simple method for 3d particle interaction using render picking on a single piece of geometry that I then use to […]

Flow Field Particles in TouchDesigner – All TOPs!

Have you wanted to make complex particle systems but are too scared to get into GLSL programming? This TouchDesigner tutorial explains how to build these systems using all TOPs. Using this method, you can switch out the flow field with any black-and-white source you might come up with. Topics covered in this tutorial: RGB math […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial 03 – Parametric equations in TouchDesigner

In this tutorial we will learn how to visualize complex math equations using CHOPs in Touchdesigner. What’s waiting for you: – Standard and Parametric equation explained – learn about Hamid Naderi’s equation art – visualizing Complex equations Chapters: 00:00 – Overview 00:27 – Basics 05:14 – Hamid Naderi Yeganeh 06:17 – “Abird in flight” Equation […]

Real Time Interactions in Unreal Engine from TouchDesigner with Spout

Learn how to live-stream textures from TouchDesigner to Unreal Engine for: 1. Instancing geometry data from TouchDesigner to Unreal Engine Niagara systems 2. Streaming tracking data as textures via Spout 3. Point clouds in Unreal Engine via Spout texture sampling Interactive live on our Discord: Download our Media Production Toolkit for Unreal Engine here: […]

Text Sequencer Tutorial in #touchdesigner

Hi and welcome to my second ever tutorial on TouchDesigner! Today I’ll cover how to build a custom sequencer that analyses letters and outputs a trigger to an instrument if the condition is met. With this logic you can build a wide variety of sequencers and use them to control visrtual or external instruments. Showing […]

Trailer: Real Time Interactions in Unreal Engine from TouchDesigner with Spout

Learn how to live-stream textures from TouchDesigner to Unreal Engine for: 1. Instancing geometry data from TouchDesigner to Unreal Engine Niagara systems 2. Streaming tracking data as textures via Spout 3. Point clouds in Unreal Engine via Spout texture sampling 20.06.24: 1500 BST Interactive live on our Discord: Download our Media Production Toolkit for […]

Интерактивный Stable Diffusion в TouchDesigner

Видеоурок о TouchDiffusion, интерактивной генерации изображений в реальном времени с использованием StreamDiffusion и TensorRT в TouchDesigner. TouchDiffusion: При желании можете угостить меня кофе: Telegram канал: 00:00 – Интро 00:09 – Особенности TouchDiffusion 00:42 – Начало установки 00:50 – Установка Python 01:07 – Установка Git 01:17 – Установка Cuda Toolkit 01:38 – Установка […]

Easily Train Pose, Image, & Audio Detection AI in TouchDesigner (No Code): Teachable Machine Plugin

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Teachable Machine plugin for TouchDesigner. It lets you quickly train lightweight Pose Detection, Image Recognition, and Audio Classification models and embed them into TouchDesigner to run offline without an internet connection. Link to project file + Plugin on Patreon: Link to Teachable Machine: 0:00 […]

SDF collision particles in Touchdesigner

In this one we build an SDF out of a JFA from the previous tutorial and along with reflect component we solve collision with whatever 2D shape/contour. I really hope you like this. SDF components (glsl): Reflect component (TOPs) available to all the members .toe file (Patreon exclusive): Subscribe to […]

JFA trick in Touchdesigner

In this, we build a Jump Flood algorithm using cones and a particle system that runs around the shape. There are plenty of glsl tools for this particular algorithm that are significantly faster, but I’m glad I found this approch. SDF components (glsl): Simon Alexander-Adams ‘Distance Map Displacement’ tutorial: .toe file (Patreon […]

3D Feedback Worlds in Touchdesigner with T3D :: Pt 1

Creating generative art in touchdesigner using Josef Pelz’s new suite of custom T3D operators designed for working with 3D textures. Find the operators and Josef’s work here: Find me: Instagram:   / benheim_   Website: Twitch:   / benheim   Vimeo (high res digital artworks): Twitter:   / benheim_   Chapters: 00:00:00 – Introduction + 3d feedback in Houdini 00:06:32 […]

Distance Map Displacement in TouchDesigner

This TouchDesigner tutorial covers creating a displacement effect using distance maps, specifically focusing on the jump flooding algorithm. It also looks at generating a simple plexus style pattern for use with the effect. Please note this tutorial uses TouchDesigner Version 2023.11600. If you’re using an older or newer version there may be features that don’t […]

latte art in Touchdesigner

this is my take on paper marbling done in TOPs, hugely inspired by Daniel Shiffman. I hope you like this method. Thank you massive. Coding Challenge 183: Paper Marbling Algorithm The Mathematics of Marbling The SDF of a Line Segment .toe file (Patreon exclusive): … Subscribe to this channel to get notified […]

Render Pick DAT with Instances in TouchDesigner

Render picking is a super powerful tool for building everything from interactive visuals to fully-featured UI components. In this tutorial, I will review basic render picking usage (through the Render Pick DAT) and focus on how to use render picking to edit specific instances individually using the mouse. Learn how to change instance color, click […]

Unreal Engine 5.3 Controlling Lights With Touchdesigner OSC And DMX

Powered by Restream Niagara Metasound Particle Music Visualiser Scrolling Neon Signs Switch between First and third person Dissolve mesh Disco lights Disco ball Metasound Video screen Webcam material Move mesh along spline Laser Searchlights Timer Localized Fog DMX Lights Touchdesigner OSC

Text-to-Speech ElevenLabs Plugin for TouchDesigner + Whisper, ChatGPT, and MediaPipe Integration

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the new ElevenLabs text-to-speech plugin for TouchDesigner. We’ll also walk through a project creating a voice-activated 3D talking character by integrating Whisper for speech-to-text, ChatGPT for generating dialogue, ElevenLabs for text-to-speech, and MediaPipe for motion tracking to create an interactive experience. Link to project file + Plugin […]

NYC's MTA Train Time Realtime in TouchDesigner!

In this video, I walk through a project that I have built to display real time train updates for any line or station in New York City’s subway system, using a publicly available API! We will walk though all the steps from API setup to textual display, and along the way touch on some higher-level […]

Instancing with TOPs in TouchDesigner

This TouchDesigner tutorial covers instancing with TOPs through the creation of a “particle donut.” It’s at a beginner to intermediate level, with a more advanced section at the end touching on GLSL. Consider supporting me on Patreon! There you can gain access to project files, help guide future topics and support the creation of […]

Finally, Gaussian Splatting in TouchDesigner!

An extension of my last Luma AI tutorial, in this video we revisit Gaussian Splatting in TouchDesigner, since a new tool is now available to the community thanks to Tim Gerritsen. Learn how to use the component in TouchDesigner, what a Gaussian Splat is anyway, and a few very simple (no-code) ways to begin animating […]

Particle-based Fluid Simulation TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there to make more of these possible and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —– just the most basic aspects of a fluid sim. Inspired by this […]

TouchDesigner and Houdini Tutorial: Hou2Touch Course Introduction

Learn more about Hou2Touch course and enroll: Welcome to the introductory lesson of the Hou2Touch Course on TouchDesigner and Houdini! In this 8.5-month academic course, we will guide you through the fundamental concepts of these powerful tools in a simple and clear manner. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced media artist, this course […]

Mediapipe4U in Unreal Engine & Mediapipe in TouchDesigner | VTUBER GAME DEV OPEN Q&A

In this new BOWTI series, we will be learning to build a VTuber stream from scratch! We’ll be covering a few things, such as setting up a vtuber character in unreal engine, using different motion capture tools to drive character animations, streaming directly to major platforms like Twitch or TikTok, and building interactive events based […]

Interactive Blobular Fluid TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL

These tutorials are made possible by the wonderful supporters on Patreon. Thank you all. Consider subscribing there to make more of these possible and to download the project files and more. I usually add some extra spice to the Patreon files. —– Let’s look at some recursion, displacement, curl, and optical flow. —– @simondavidryden […]

39 Python in Touchdesigner : “0 to Hero” _pt2 :: Ubiquity

Welcome back to another exciting episode of Mastering Python in TouchDesigner! Today, we’re delving deep into the realm of Python modules, uncovering their incredible potential to store and recall CHOP data seamlessly within our TouchDesigner network. This newfound capability doesn’t just open doors; it unlocks a universe of creative possibilities, allowing us to craft dynamic […]

Domain Warping in TouchDesigner

An introduction to domain warping in TouchDesigner. We will first build some conceptual intuition and then write a domain warping shader from scratch using GLSL (not as scary as it sounds!) Project Files: Links: – – – – 00:00 – Start 01:40 – Literature Review 03:58 – Domain Warping Intuition […]

ASCII Effect in TouchDesigner

This is a tutorial for creating an ASCII effect in TouchDesigner. It is a beginner to intermediate level tutorial, though I do expect you have some familiarity with how to navigate the TouchDesigner interface. Consider supporting me on Patreon! There you can gain access to project files, help guide future topics and support the […]