CamSequencer update and OpSequencer release #touchdesigner

Watch my previous video about the CamSequencer:

Download the updated CamSequencer and OpSequencer:

This video brings the OpSequencer which allows you to use the features of CamSequencer for any operator! Basically a preset system for any operator with easing between the presets.

Also a big update is the Spline Interpolation option which creates a very smooth, but sometimes unpredictable curve!

Ooops forgot to mention a few things (shouldn’t record videos while sick):
– there is a CustomEase option which takes a multi-sample CHOP input to the CamSequencer/OpSequencer as a lookup for easing!
– that with the OpSequencer you can hold alt while dragging a Custom Comp onto it to automatically add all the custom params to the par list!
– and you can middle click a param name in the header to remove it from the list!


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