Audioreactive visuals using TouchDesigner and Unreal Engine

Get the plugin here:
Or here:

For an overview of the OSCToolset Plugin you can see it here:

This is a simple example of how to make audio reactive visuals between TouchDesigner and UnrealEngine. To do that I am using my new Plugin OSCToolset, which uses OSC to send data from TouchDesigner to Unreal Engine.

This example is saved on UE_5.4 as it is more stable than 5.5 from my experience. In the coming months when they update 5.5 with bug fixes and such I will upgrade the examples.

You can also do it yourself by just Switching Unreal Engine version… option if you right click on the OSCToolset_Examples.uproject. If you do that don’t forget to change the Plugin to the 5.5 version as well 🙂

If you want to share bugs or have questions join this Discord server to do so 🙂

0:00 Preview
1:01 TouchDesigner Audio Reactive Setup
4:12 Unreal Engine
10:34 Unreal Engine Niagara Setup
15:10 Advanced examples
17:17 Final result

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