Audio Reactive Visuals With Touchdesigner: Displacement Noise Instances u/ Particles & UV Map Basics

In this video, we’ll use instances to create organic shapes in Touchdesigner and learn UV mapping for instancing. Project Files Here πŸ‘‰


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Video Summary

00:00 Intro

00:36 *Overview & Chapter 1*
Network Complexity: The network is more complex than previous
audio-reactive setups, with many references and operators. A free
tool called “The Finder” is introduced to help manage and locate references between operators.

Tool Demonstration: The Finder tool scans for expressions, shows
references between operators, and allows easy navigation to specific
operators, streamlining the workflow.

Network Breakdown: The network includes controls, noise generation
for displacement, blob tracking for text visualization, and a composite
operator for blending signals. A particle system is also set up using
coordinates from the noise operators.

10:00 *Chapter 2: Instances and First Parameters*
3D Geometry Setup: A box operator is created, connected to a transform,
material, and geo component. Instances are generated using UV coordinates,
and a camera and light are added for rendering.

Instance Adjustments: The size of the box is reduced to act like a particle,
and instancing is enabled to create position and rotation effects. Noise
parameters are tweaked to achieve the desired visual texture.

Particle System: A pre-built GPU particle system is introduced, with parameters
adjusted for birth rate, life, and turbulence. The particles react to the motion
of the instances, adding dynamic movement to the scene.

21:57 *Chapter 3: Post-Processing and Blobs*
Luma Blur and Blob Tracking: A Luma blur is added to blend particles and
instances, creating depth. A blob tracking system is set up to visualize blobs,
which are then used to generate text feedback.

Text Glitch Effect: The blob values are integrated into the composition, with
feedback and mirroring applied to create a glitchy text effect. An RGB key is
used to remove the background, leaving only the text.

Final Composite: The blob track system is connected to the final composite,
blending all elements together. An RGB delay is added for a final touch,
creating a dynamic visual output.

26:56 *Chapter 4: Audio Reactive Network*
Audio Separation with AI: A free AI tool, Moises, is used to separate audio
tracks into low, mid, and high frequencies. These separated tracks are
imported into TouchDesigner for more precise audio-reactive effects.

Low Frequency Logic: The low frequencies (kick drum) are used to modulate
the seed of noise operators, creating random values that change with the
beat. A beat operator is used to sync the modulation with the song’s tempo.

High Frequency Modulation: The high frequencies are used to control the
period of the noise, creating dynamic changes in the visual texture. The
blob track values are also parameterized to adjust the threshold based on
audio input.

Camera and Particle Adjustments: The camera rotation is animated using
an LFO, and particle turbulence is exaggerated for more visual impact.
The RGB delay is modulated by the audio, creating a reactive delay effect
that syncs with the music.


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