algorhythm v 0.316 – Walkthrough
This video serves as an overview, walkthrough and tutorial for the realtime audiovisual software algorhythm.
algorhythm is a tool I’ve been working on for the last months and years, built and running entirely in TouchDesigner, which allows the user to playback generative visuals and media, manipulate them with audio and other inputs, fade between visuals and add a number of different post effects.
You can get algorhythm here:
UI Workshop in October:
Tools I mention in the video:
00:00 Show
00:33 1) Intro
01:12 What is algorhythm?
02:21 2) Background
03:10 3) User Interface
04:22 4) Visual Selection
06:30 Fading System
09:40 5) Parameters
11:11 6) Presets
14:00 7) Structure Element
16:40 8) Media Input
19:02 9) Camera / External Input
19:34 10) Audio & Input
21:46 Input Devices
28:00 11) Clock & Rhythms
30:50 12) Output
31:45 Mapping
32:30 Post FX
35:58 13) Performance
38:44 14) Settings & Themes
39:20 15) Future Ideas
40:15 16) Distribution
40:50 17) Misc / Outro
Files, exclusive content and more:
Massive thanks to all supporters, without these and former patrons this project would not have been possible:
GIIIVENS, 2017 Vet, 480 Productions, APT Freelancing, Acid Johnny, Adam Scheirman, Addict Ameba, Adrien Oneiga, Ahmad Taufiq, Andrea Civati, Andrei N, Austin Paxton, Axe Nylon, Badie Khaleghian, Bendeform, Billy Tegethoff, Bjarl Azerbaijan, Bradon Webb, Braincandy TV, Brandyn Klinect, Brianna Laia, ButchBangher, Cameron , Cameron Villadiego, Carlos Xi, Carolina Morales, Charles Haskins, Chris, Chris Adam, Christian Heeney, Christina Lentz, CodingRookie, Cody Chow, Colo Muller, Connor S Oman, Cristian Pujante, Crystal Jow, DALin !!!, DIPEG, DaFF aka David SALAUN, Daniel Kass, Danny, Danny , David , David Shapiro, Derek Szeto, Dhan Correa, Digital FUN, Dita Zanelli, Drasko V, ENZO VERITAS, Editor Wanted, Emily Wagner, Enya Obert, Eric Chang, Essidy, Flora, Francisco Alarcon, Franz Lehmann, Gabriel Borisov, Girosh SA, Giulia Jimenez, Gordon Harris, Gorilla Gal Z, Greg, Hal Lambert, Henry Dj, Hong Kong Police Support, Huy Tran, Ivan , Ivan Felde, JEONGMIN PARK, Jack Anderson, Jaime, Jan Rottkamp, Janat Thiengsurin, Jason Batcheller, Jay Winder, Jean Clark, Jeanne Pollock, Jeppe Vinum, Jerry Ji, Jimmy Simmons, Joe Zik, John Dave, John-Michael Schaub, JohnDoh, Joshuah Jest, José Agustín Gonzalez Scarpa, Julia Ballmann, Julian Campabadal, Junichiro Deguchi, Justin Shaffner, Kanishka Singh, Kekou Xiang, KennyVuLan, Kent McDonald, Kevin Ly, Kiara Pikhard, Kit Leung, Kőrös Attila Márk, Lars Fiedler, Lautaro Gonzalez Toledo, Lise Yuen, Lorenz Jehn, Lotto Andrea Carlotto, Low Rez Lab, Lucas Räthel, Luis Meyer, Mag, Make Mistakes, Marcin Mann, Marco, Marie Paule, Mario C., Mark Leung, Masayuki Azegami, Maxalex , Maximilian Metzig, Meiz, Melanie.lfc, Michael, Michael Cheung, Michael Hyp, Michael Murphy, Migu Mianizt Leung, Mike Pastore, Mikko Aaltonen, Milo Hayden, Mohsen Ensafdaran, Morfeo, Mulkum Mirzayev, Mário Coufal, Nathan Hicks, Nick Dye, Nikita Kratiuk, Nix , Nona Hendryx, Nuno Foros, Olga, Opher Garver, Paolo Rucci, Phelan Kane, Pipo Campari, Pola K, Péron Yann, Quirin Mohrhagen, R Tyler McLaughlin, Ramderbolt, Rebirth B, Rob , Roberto Mucchiut, Roberto Teran, Roeland Schuijren, Rogelio Cortez Cuevas, Rosendo, Ryan, Sacha Safretti, Sahith Thedchanamoorthy, Sam Chilton, Sam Sakr, Sander Baumann, Sandipan Nath, Sean Leo, Seth, Shahan Butt, Shaq, Shinichiro Fujita, StarSheep , Steve Casey, Steve Williams (drusnoise), SunJeong Hwang, Sungheuk Jung, Sunny Liao, Supanat Chaiyanopakul, Teeb, Teruhisa , Tjeerd Paul Jacobs, Tobias, Tobias Sam, TomatoHeadchup, Toni, Trey Hollinger, Tsz Ching Allison Fong, Tyrell Collins, Viviane Roi, Yeah, Yizhou Zhao, Young-kul Suh, Yudong Wang, Yulin Fu, Zeemen Zhou, Zoey Gore, ab’s 2, bagda, brad spacinsky, brouklis1, carrotz, cd, claudio leggieri, david robert, dirk, fxsan, gerhard koenderink, gritcorp industries, guojian , hans mortelmans, hsu piebee, im_pakt , imri shavit, infernall_bless Free_waghunastan, irina petrova, jep, ji jiji, koen holtkamp, kogoroh, lysol, martin houra, martin kern, matt, maurenb, oshima toshiyuki, qingqing hu, saint, tale D, tasso treis, technolo-g , treywillis, w, xiang ao, zia, zufallsgeneriert_, Дмитрий Золотарёв, יובל כהן, 一真 高田, 圭佑 小山田, 岳夫 宇田川, 最毕设 ZUIBISHE, 동훈 이, 욱쓰 유
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
IG: @elekktronaut