Spiral Feedback Banana – TouchDesigner Tutorial [Beginner]

Transforming stuff to black and white feedback spirals. [Downloads below]
This is a beginner friendly tutorial, however if you had any issues feel free to ask :)_-__Follow me on Instagram ツhttps://www.instagram.com/_tribeholz Grab the TD-File here:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Mo06E5bS4IUPuELJgVocbKGODV_-2vMJ?usp=sharing_-__Background sound by ZHRØhttps://freesound.org/people/ZHR%C3%98/sounds/703713/Outro Track by Torvikhttps://soundcloud.com/victor-grenoble/tribal-sunsetEnjoy & have a nice one! ❤_-__

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