3/3 TouchDesigner Vol.044 TouchDesigner as an integrated tool in the research scene
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#TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw
■ Contents (subject to change)
Session1: building experiment with TouchDesigner
・(option) Trail CHOPをうまく使う
・(option) mediapipeでユーザー状態を観察する
Session 2: Analyzing data with TouchDesigner
・(option) matplotlibをTDで表示
Session 3: Case Introduction
・Workshop follow up
・Case Introduction : psychophysical experiment with electro muscle stimulation
・Case Introduction : building calibration system for Fragment Shadow
・Case Introduction : building physical interaction system
・Case Introduction : building exhibition Morphing Identity
In this workshop, by using TouchDesigner as an integration tool for various research projects, you will learn how to build a simple visual experiment, conduct the experiment and record the data, and visualize the data for analysis. In the latter half of the workshop, I will introduce several research projects build with TouchDesigner as an integrated tool.
Session1: building experiment with TouchDesigner
・Making study sequence from experiment paradigm
・Designing experiment conditions
・Building UI for experiment
・Recording data
・(option) Tips for using TrailCHOP
・(option) Monitoring user behavior by mediapipe
Session 2: Analyzing data with TouchDesigner
・Reading data files
・Visualizing data
・Analyzing data with python
・(option) Using matplotlib inside TouchDesigner
・(option) Estimating parameter of model function.
Session 3: Case Introduction
・Workshop follow up
・Case Introduction : psychophysical experiment with electro muscle stimulation
・Case Introduction : building calibration system for Fragment Shadow
・Case Introduction : building physical interaction system
・Case Introduction : building exhibition Morphing Identity
■ Instructor
ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 リサーチャー、博士(学際情報学)人間の知覚を計算機で制御・拡張し、人間とコンピュータの統合における”Self”に関する研究「Superception」プロジェクトを主導。技術開発・知覚研究に加え、研究を起点としたインスタレーション制作やテクノロジーの社会実装を行う。Sony CSL Superception プロジェクトリーダー。
Shunichi Kasahara
Researcher, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Information Studies. He is leading “Superception” research projects: computational extension of human perception and investigation of the self in human-computer integration. He also conducts interactive exhibitions and social implementation as well as academic activities.
■ Requirements
・Windows10 / Mac どちらでも可能です
・TouchDesigner, non-commercialでも可能です
・A recent computer with the latest official TouchDesigner installed.
・A 2-button mouse with scroll wheel), or 3 button mouse.
・Please consult the System Requirements to make sure your computer is capable of running TouchDesigner.
■ Organizer
TDSW | Tokyo Developers Study Weekend is an organization that runs workshops/events aiming to share techniques and knowledge about digital creativity and networking among creators and manages a community with creative people. We have organized more than 70 events and had more than 4000 attendees in total since April 2018. We deliver exciting after-hours and weekends to creative people focusing on visual programming tools such as TouchDesigner.
Web: https://tdsw.jp/
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#TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw
■ About TDSW
TDSW | Tokyo Developers Study Weekend はデジタルクリエイティブに関する技術や知見シェア、クリエイター同士の交流を目的としたワークショップ・イベントの主催、コミュニティ運営を行う組織です。2018年4月に活動を開始し、これまでに70回を超えるイベント・通算4000人を超える動員を記録しました。TouchDesignerをはじめとするビジュアルプログラミングツールにフォーカスした、ものづくりを愛する人のワクワクするアフター6と週末をお届けします。
Web: https://tdsw.jp/
▽ Follow Peatix! TDSW Peatix Account