인터렉티브 포스터: Media Art Exhibition – Interactive Poster(TouchDesigner)
인터렉티브 포스터: Media Art Exhibition – Interactive Poster(TouchDesigner)
요즘은 제가 대학원을 다니면서 새로운 것들을 하고 있습니다. 재밌어요.
7월에 전시가 있어서 포스터를 만들어봤습니다! 그냥 고생해서 만들었는데, 하드디스크 안에서 썩히기 아까워서 올립니다. 자랑하려고요. 😀
These days, I am attending graduate school and doing new things. It’s fun.
I created a poster for an exhibition that will be held in July! I worked hard on it and thought it was too good to just leave it sitting on my hard drive, so I’m posting it here. I wanted to show it off. : D