Blob Track Non-Walking Movements / TouchDesigner

study Blob Track Controlled Motion Vectors #FILM #TouchDesigner #FFglitch #FFmpeg #GenerativeArt #ComputerArt #CodeArt #VisualArt #NewMediaArt #CreativeCoding #MotionDesign #Glitch #JavaScript #Python #団地

Shinkansen Trace Travel / TouchDesigner

Traveling from Shimonoseki to Nagoya. Slit Train Scan Detection Tracking / スリットスキャン東海道本線 #TouchDesigner #DaVinciResolve #YOLACT #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #Glitch #Walking #BulletTrain #Shinkansen #新幹線 #下関市 #名古屋市

Trace Walking Video / TouchDesigner

Hamamatsucho. Glitchy Trails Typography #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #Glitch #Walking #Hamamatsucho #浜松町

Blob Track Slit Scan BBOY / TouchDesigner

differences show reality flow. SLIT SCAN BBOY CACHE #TouchDesigner #SlitScan #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #BBOY #Breaking #BreakDance #StreetDance #HIPHOP #GenerativeBreaking

Blob Track Cropped 3D Kabukicho / TouchDesigner

kabukicho walking 3D Blob Tracking Floating Green Pepper #TouchDesigner #YOLACT #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #3DCG #PointCloud #Python #GLSL #Tokyo #歌舞伎町

Slit Scan Reverse Dog Walking / TouchDesigner

逆犬散歩はネットでやってる人を見てマネしました(すみません、URLは不明)。 Slit Face Scan Detection TIME INTERPOLATION WALKING #TouchDesigner #SlitScan #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #Dog #Walking #散歩 #犬TENET

Segmented Frame Controll / YOLACT & TouchDesigner

study Shibuya Lag Segmentation #TouchDesigner #YOLACT #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #InstanceSegmentation

Slit Face Scan Detection / StyleGAN3 & TouchDesigner

using “stylegan3-r-ffhqu-1024×1024” pre-trained model https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan3 SLIT ROTATE SCAN BBOY Sink Well – the evolution of organisms & biogeochemical cycle by BigGAN – #StyleGAN3 #YOLACT #TouchDesigner #Colaboratory #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #DeepLarning #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #GenerativeAdversarialNetworks #SlitScan #顔

Blob Track Controlled Motion Vectors / FFglitch & TouchDesigner

study Blob Track Interpolation Bboy / ffmpeg & TouchDesigner #TouchDesigner #FFglitch #FFmpeg #GenerativeArt #ComputerArt #CodeArt #VisualArt #NewMediaArt #CreativeCoding #MotionDesign #Glitch #JavaScript #Python #BBOY #Breaking #BreakDance #StreetDance #HIPHOP #GenerativeBreaking

Blob Track Glitch Elevator 3D / FFglitch & TouchDesigner

old days sketch. Shush You #TouchDesigner #FFglitch #FFmpeg #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #Glitch #Python #JavaScript #Shader #GLSL

Blob Track 3D Cache Dancer / TouchDesigner

Interpret movement trajectories as three-dimensional. Silhouette of Blob Track Dancer Segmented Cache 3D #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #3DCG #BBOY #Breaking #BreakDance #StreetDance #HIPHOP #GenerativeBreaking

Generative Unicode Point Cloud / LGM & TouchDesigner

point clouds were generated from 2D images by LGM. Unicode Interpolation / Random Unicode Generator Generative Particle Typography #LGM #TouchDesigner #KineticTypography #PointCloud #CreativeCoding #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #AIArt #DeepLarning #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #3DCG #Python #Unicode

Blob Track ざわざわ / TouchDesigner

ZAWA…ZAWA… Blob Track Trail Spotted Garden Eel #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #Python #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GLSL #Kishimen #Udon #ざわざわ #きしめん #うどん

Unicode Interpolation / Random Unicode Generator by TouchDesigner

created a tox file for random unicode. https://github.com/FollowTheDarkside/td-random-unicode-generator 【Unity】Classification of handwritten digits by TensorFlowSharp #TouchDesigner #KineticTypography #CreativeCoding #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #Python #FILM #Unicode

3D Cropped Flying Toilet / TouchDesigner

スリーディークロップドフライングトイレ。 3D Blob Tracking Floating Green Pepper #TouchDesigner #LGM #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #3DCG #PointCloud #DeepLarning #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #Toilet #厠

Silhouette of Blob Track Dancer / TouchDesigner

Important factors in breaking. Blob Track Interpolation Bboy #TouchDesigner #YOLACT #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #DeepLarning #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #BBOY #Breaking #BreakDance #StreetDance #HIPHOP #GenerativeBreaking

The World Between Boxes / TouchDesigner

box. Back and Forth #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #3DCG #GLSL

Blob Track Trail Spotted Garden Eel / TouchDesigner

チンアナゴ氏。 Blob Track Displace Hyakkiyako #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #Python #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GLSL #SpottedGardenEel #GardenEel #HeterocongerHassi #沼津港深海水族館

Rectangle Limited Transform / TouchDesigner

sketch 「回答を選択してください」 #TouchDesigner #CreativeCoding #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #GLSL

Tracking Watermelon's Journey / TouchDesigner

🍉「I am. I was.」 Tofu Kimchi Typography #TouchDesigner #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #Python #Watermelon #すいか

Slit Scan Headspin / TouchDesigner

I can’t do head spin. SLIT ROTATE SCAN BBOY #GenerativeBreaking #SlitScan #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #ComputerArt #CodeArt #VisualArt #NewMediaArt #CreativeCoding #MotionDesign #BBOY #Breaking #BreakDance #StreetDance #HIPHOP

Typography with Gravity / TouchDesigner

study Parts Swap Typography #TouchDesigner #KineticTypography #3DCG #CreativeCoding #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #AffinityDesigner #文字

Blob Track Displace Hyakkiyako / TouchDesigner

Image data from NDL Image Bank https://rnavi.ndl.go.jp/imagebank/ Frame Interpolation 近江八景 #FILM #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #Python #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #百鬼夜行 #絵巻物

Hand Drawn Tofu Animation / Affinity Designer & TouchDesigner

Hand-drawn animation is very hard. TOFU CUT VISUALIZATION 2 #AffinityDesigner #TouchDesigner #RIFE #3DCG #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #Python #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #HandDrawing #Animation #indie_anime

Hand Drawn Box Animation / Affinity Designer & TouchDesigner

Hand-drawn animation is very hard. TOFU CUT VISUALIZATION #AffinityDesigner #TouchDesigner #RIFE #3DCG #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #Python #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #HandDrawing #Animation #indie_anime

Parts Swap Typography / TouchDesigner

study Parts Rotation Typography #TouchDesigner #KineticTypography #CreativeCoding #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #AffinityDesigner #文字

Polyspline Trail 3D / TouchDesigner

sometimes it looks like a horsehair worm. Spider React to Movement #TouchDesigner #3DCG #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #Python #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics

Double Blob Tracking Typography / TouchDesigner

study Trace Frame Interpolation Typography #TouchDesigner #KineticTypography #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #KineticTypography

Blob Track Interpolation Bboy / ffmpeg & TouchDesigner

Moving in a state of freeze is inconsistent. Reference Generative Particle Dancer #GenerativeBreaking #ffmpeg #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #ComputerArt #CodeArt #VisualArt #NewMediaArt #CreativeCoding #MotionDesign #Glitch #BBOY #Breaking #BreakDance #StreetDance #HIPHOP

Pixel Sort Direction / TouchDesigner

study. Pixel Sorting TOX https://github.com/FollowTheDarkside/td-pixel-sorting Pixel Sorting Typography #TouchDesigner #PixelSorting #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign

Fixed Trace Typography / TouchDesigner

study Glitchy Trails Typography #TouchDesigner #KineticTypography #3DCG #CreativeCoding #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #Python #GLSL

Parts Rotation Typography / TouchDesigner

and Interpolation. Moving Calendar #TouchDesigner #KineticTypography #3DCG #CreativeCoding #DigitalArt #GenerativeArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #GraphicDesign #Python #AffinityDesigner #文字

Trace Point Cloud / TouchDesigner

study touchdesigner-utils https://github.com/FollowTheDarkside/touchdesigner-utils Generative 3D Tokaido #TouchDesigner #GenerativeArt #DigitalArt #NoiseArt #NewMediaArt #VisualArt #CreativeCoding #CodeArt #MotionDesign #MotionGraphics #3DCG #PointCloud

MQTT Controller with TouchDesigner

I created a simple app for sending mouse coordinate messages using MQTT on the browser. This is an example of communicating with TouchDesigner. Code & Reference: https://github.com/FollowTheDarkside/mqtt-controller Visualization of Dancer’s Emotional State by Deep Learning #WebDev #MQTTjs #TouchDesigner #InteractiveArt #GenerativeArt #ComputerArt #CodeArt #VisualArt #NewMediaArt #CreativeCoding #MotionDesign #Vite #TypeScript #JavaScript #Python

Dancer Piles Up / TouchDesigner

not game reference: SLIT BLOCK SCAN BBOY #TouchDesigner #YOLACT #GenerativeArt #ComputerArt #CodeArt #VisualArt #NewMediaArt #CreativeCoding #MotionDesign #BBOY #Breaking #BreakDance #StreetDance #HIPHOP #Bit