
Instance Animation in Touchdesigner

This is a recreation of a video by the studio Mother Design for Andbox. You can see more of the project here: https://www.motherdesign.com/work/andbox/

Create Kinetic Typography in Touchdesigner | Tutorial

Tutorial of a simplified version of my Kinetipo Tool made in touchdesigner. You can find the complete version of this tool on my Gumroad: https://diogodiogodiogo.gumroad.com/l/kinetipo # text1 script: op(‘table2’).clear() myText = str(op(‘null1’)[0,0]) for i in myText: op(‘table2’).appendRow(i) op(‘table2’).appendRow([“”]) # text2 script: op(‘table3’).clear() all_rows = op(‘table2’).rows() for _ in range(int(2)): for row in all_rows: op(‘table3’).appendRow(row)

Touchdesigner Showreel

portfolio @ diogoviegas.com gumroad – diogodiogodiogo.gumroad.com/

Paint Grids in Touchdesigner! – free project file

Paint Grids in Touchdesigner! This was heavly inspired by @mikevdsanden – https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr24nu8N_a7/ Free project file in gumroad – https://diogodiogodiogo.gumroad.com/l/PaintGrids press “e” to reset the rectangles

Kinetic Typography Tool in Touchdesigner – BLOCO-TYPE

BLOCO-TYPE is a graphic/type design tool. The user can choose any font of choice and tune motion characteristics like frequency, size, tilt, ,rotation, and extrusion. It is available on my gumroad – https://diogodiogodiogo.gumroad.com/l/BLOCO If you have any issues/questions regarding this tool you can add me on discord – deoxan888

TouchDesigner | Kinetic 3D Typography v2

Song by https://soundcloud.com/samgellaitry/myemail find me @ https://diogoviegas.com/

Kinetic Typography Tool in Touchdesigner

Kinetipo is a graphic/type design tool that I built wich lets the user manipulate the motion of the string of text. The user can choose any font and of choice and fine-tune motion characteristics like frequency, amplitude, and speed. Plus, it offers exporting options in both MP4 and JPEG formats. Available on my gumroad, the […]