Dean Cheesman

Learn to make this Severance-Inspired ASCII Text Effect with TouchDesigner

This tutorial explains how to make a basic ASCII text effect and then adds movement and interactivity with noise and optical flow feedback. Some techniques covered in this video include texture instancing, replicators, and UV math. Patreon supporters get access to the project file for this tutorial, as well as all my other tutorial files […]

Unlock Powerful Blob Tracking Features in TouchDesigner

I’ve created a new tool exclusively for my Patreon supporters, bringing all those cool Blob Tracking effects to every version of TouchDesigner. Features: • Unlimited Blobs: No restrictions on the number of blobs you can track. • Custom Thresholding Tools: Fine-tune the blob detection to suit your needs. • Easy Resolution Selection: Quickly adjust the […]

Text Particle Transitions in TouchDesigner

Add this effect to your lyric video or use it to fancy up your captions on your next social post. This method isn’t limited to text through. You could replace the text SOPs with all sorts of shapes, geometry, etc to transition between. My Patreon supporters get access to the project file for this tutorial, […]

Create Time Machine Warp Effects with TouchDesigner

You can make any video look like it is dancing to your audio track with this fun technique of combining beat detection and the Time Machine TOP. As a bonus, I added a simple motion-driven bloom/flash effect. My Patreon supporters get access to the project file for this tutorial, along with all my other tutorial […]

Interactive Installation Particle Systems with TouchDesigner

This tutorial combines optical flow feedback with particle systems. This technique is great for making interactive installations with cameras or dynamic rendered video content. This effect is done primarily in TOPs with feedback loops for both the position and velocity. You can download the masked dancer video I used from Pexels: By becoming a […]

How to make Kinect Point Cloud Particles with TouchDesigner

In this TouchDesigner tutorial I’ll show you how to take the particle cloud input from a Kinect V2, filter out the points you don’t want, and add color and movement effects. These techniques can be combined with many of the other particle effects we’ve covered in these tutorials The project file is available to my […]

Making Audio Reactive Visuals in TouchDesigner

This is my first test streaming TouchDesigner! I’m going to try and build an audio reactive visuals system and see how far I can get in an hour or so.

Make Text Move Like Particles in TouchDesigner

In this tutorial you’ll learn how you can move text around as if it were a particle, but still maintaining all the font metrics, kerning, etc that you want from text rendering. The Geo Text comp is our key tool in this and we’ll learn how to use some of its special functions to make […]

How to make a Force Field Particle Effect in TouchDesigner

This effect was a happy accident that came out of my experiementing with making a stipple effect using instanced force fields in TouchDesigner. I think there’s a lot more that can be done with this technique so I thought I’d share! Other things you might learn in this tutorial: * Particle Instancing * Force Field […]

Flocking Effect in TouchDesigner Tutorial

I’ve tried doing this in TouchDesigner for years and have finally figured it out. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a particle effect that combines all three forces a flocking algorithm requires: attract, repel, and follow. Other things you might learn in this tutorial: * Optical flow feedback for liquid effects * Rotate […]

Audio Reactive Kaleidoscope Visuals with TouchDesigner Tutorial

Dive into this TouchDesigner tutorial creating generative audio-reactive kaleidoscope visuals. Perfect for all skill levels, we’ll break down complex concepts into simple steps. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a one-of-a-kind, attention-grabbing visual setup that reacts to audio in real-time. More importantly, you’ll acquire practical insights that can be directly applied to a […]

New TouchDesigner tutorial showing how to make this particle simulation using GLSL. #touchdesigner

Whether you’re a programmer or not, GLSL can initially seem intimidating. However, in my new tutorial, I aim to make it less daunting. I show how you can create a visually stunning particle system like this with just a few lines of code, demonstrating that it’s not as complex as it may seem.

GLSL Particle Simulations in TouchDesigner Tutorial

Whether you’re a programmer or not, GLSL can initially seem intimidating. However, in this video, I aim to make it less daunting. In this tutorial I show how you can create a visually stunning particle system with just a few lines of code, demonstrating that it’s not as complex as it may seem. Other topics […]

Slope Displacement in TouchDesigner

In this quick TouchDesigner tutorial I show how to warp your videos and animations by combining the Slope TOP and Displacement TOP. To get the project file for this, along with all my other tutorial project files and custom-built tools, become a supporter on Patreon:

Blob Tracking Effect Tool for TouchDesigner

Get this popular blob-tracking effect as a drag-on operator. It is much more efficient than the Blob Tracker TOP and has unlimited blobs. Get access to this tool by supporting my Patreon: Combine with the Dean’s Motion Tracer to get lines connecting your blob tracking boxes: Want to learn how to get this […]

Vintage Lens Effect Tool for TouchDesigner

This TouchDesigner tool takes any video input and dirties it up a bit. With creative options, including chromatic aberration, lens blur, film grain, RGB delay, and vignette, this tool lets you infuse any input with a dose of old-school cool. If you want to learn how to make the chromatic aberration effect from scratch you […]

Chromatic Aberration in TouchDesigner

In this Touchdesigner tutorial, I explain how I make the chromatic aberration effect in my vintage lens tool. Download this project file and get access to Dean’s Vintage Lens tool by joining my Patreon: Topics covered in this video: * Slope Displacement * Reorder TOP * Normalized Value Viewer

Motion Trace Effect tool for TouchDesigner

Are you too lazy to follow a tutorial to get this popular motion trace effect? Why not just get it with drag-and-drop simplicity? Get it through my Pateron: If you’re in the learning mood though you can figure out how to build this effect from scratch watching this tutorial here:

Interactive Particles in 3D with TouchDesigner

Making 3D particle systems is pretty easy, and making interactive particle systems in 2D is pretty straightforward, but how can we make 3d particle systems that are still interactive? In this tutorial, I explore a simple method for 3d particle interaction using render picking on a single piece of geometry that I then use to […]

Flow Field Particles in TouchDesigner – All TOPs!

Have you wanted to make complex particle systems but are too scared to get into GLSL programming? This TouchDesigner tutorial explains how to build these systems using all TOPs. Using this method, you can switch out the flow field with any black-and-white source you might come up with. Topics covered in this tutorial: RGB math […]

No Code Fluid Dynamics in TouchDesigner

Want to create fluid effects without code in TouchDesigner? In this video I show how I use optical flow feedback for quickly creating fluid like effects. I also include how you can add interactive mouse or multi-touch input. Great for beginners or intermediate designers looking to create fun interactive content. #TouchDesigner #Tutorial #MotionGraphics #FluidSimulation #DigitalArt […]

Trace and Blob Tracking Effect with TouchDesigner

I’ve been seeing this effect a lot lately and thought I’d figure out how its done and share it. This tutorial covers lots of other fun little techniques using a Cache TOP and Difference TOP to make a cheap motion detection TOP. If there’s an effect out there that you’d like to learn. Send it […]

Pixel Mapping with Touchdesigner

Making basic chasing LED strip light fixtures is lame. This is how I make custom pixel mapped LED outputs for my TouchDesigner projects. #touchdesigner #generativeart #pixelmapping #ledlights #lightingdesign #creativecoding