Learn to make this Severance-Inspired ASCII Text Effect with TouchDesigner

This tutorial explains how to make a basic ASCII text effect and then adds movement and interactivity with noise and optical flow feedback. Some techniques covered in this video include texture instancing, replicators, and UV math. Patreon supporters get access to the project file for this tutorial, as well as all my other tutorial files […]

[TouchDesigner] Kinetic Typography

ref. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubi_v7-zm20&list=PLFrhecWXVn59Xtcy1L2vfSaqq2_Ts88ov&index=17

10XCC-INTER-001 – Interactive Graphic Design in TouchDesigner – 001

New touchdesigner stream. Checkout my Patreon Stream! https://www.patreon.com/c/TechKnowledgeBase/shop Feel free to also checkout my new online Knowledge Base of creative technologies. https://levoxtrip.github.io/TKB/ I would appreciate a donation because it enables me to dedicate more time and resources to creating content for you. Support me under: https://patreon.com/TechKnowledgeBase?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink or https://buymeacoffee.com/levoxtrip

[TouchDesigner] Text Texture

ref. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kosFgK7DdCo&list=PLFrhecWXVn59Xtcy1L2vfSaqq2_Ts88ov&index=9

TouchDesigner | RUNNING TEXT


Text mapping – TOUCHDESIGNER

Step into the captivating world of generative art with my latest TouchDesigner project file! Whether you’re just starting your journey in digital art or are an experienced creator, this project is designed to inspire and empower you. Dive into cutting-edge techniques, experiment with innovative tools, and create breathtaking visuals that reflect your artistic vision. 🎨 […]

Text Effect in Touchdesigner

Join my patreon link in bio! #audiovisual #touchdesigner #3drender #objecttracking #td #download #visualizer #download #freeprojectfile #td #touchdesignercommunity #touchdesignerlearning

Turn text into particles in Touchdesigner| Touchdesigner Tutorial with project file

Learn how to transform 2D text or image into dynamic particle animations using TouchDesigner. This step-by-step tutorial is perfect for beginners and creatives looking to enhance their digital art or motion design projects. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more creative content! 📸 Follow me on Instagram: @depthbuffer_studio

Text/Image to 3D Spinning Logos Touchdesigner Tutorial

DOWNLOAD this file and other free project files on my pateron here: https://www.patreon.com/PJCreations — Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/PJCreations Website : https://nicholasmarriott.cargo.site/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nicholaspjm/ #audiovisual #touchdesigner #3drender #objecttracking #td #download #visualizer #download #freeprojectfile #td #touchdesignercommunity #touchdesignerlearning

Text Particle Transitions in TouchDesigner

Add this effect to your lyric video or use it to fancy up your captions on your next social post. This method isn’t limited to text through. You could replace the text SOPs with all sorts of shapes, geometry, etc to transition between. My Patreon supporters get access to the project file for this tutorial, […]

Create Kinetic Typography in Touchdesigner | Tutorial

Tutorial of a simplified version of my Kinetipo Tool made in touchdesigner. You can find the complete version of this tool on my Gumroad: https://diogodiogodiogo.gumroad.com/l/kinetipo # text1 script: op(‘table2’).clear() myText = str(op(‘null1’)[0,0]) for i in myText: op(‘table2’).appendRow(i) op(‘table2’).appendRow([“”]) # text2 script: op(‘table3’).clear() all_rows = op(‘table2’).rows() for _ in range(int(2)): for row in all_rows: op(‘table3’).appendRow(row)

Make Text Move Like Particles in TouchDesigner

In this tutorial you’ll learn how you can move text around as if it were a particle, but still maintaining all the font metrics, kerning, etc that you want from text rendering. The Geo Text comp is our key tool in this and we’ll learn how to use some of its special functions to make […]

Interactive Text Displacement | TouchDesigner Tutorial

Just a sketch, that I decided to turn into a tutorial, as it covers some topics like replication, displacement, interactivity, basic scripting. So I hope you’ll find something helpful in it. The stroke that I use to make replicants connection is c.outputConnectors[0].connect(op(‘layout1’)), which means that for each replicant we call a connect method, that makes […]

Box Typography Instancing Tutorial // TouchDesigner

Hello fellow Human. Here are the links I’ve been talking about: UV Projection Mapping My Instagram instagram.com/passiv_passabel/ Antonin.Work instagram.com/antonin.work/ best!

Kinetic Typography Tool in Touchdesigner – BLOCO-TYPE

BLOCO-TYPE is a graphic/type design tool. The user can choose any font of choice and tune motion characteristics like frequency, size, tilt, ,rotation, and extrusion. It is available on my gumroad – https://diogodiogodiogo.gumroad.com/l/BLOCO If you have any issues/questions regarding this tool you can add me on discord – deoxan888

Touchdesigner Tutorial: Dynamic Sliced Type

Tutorial on how to create sliced typography using Instancing in Touchdesigner. Design inspired by Project NN North Jazz by Studio Dumbar. Special Thanks to Torin Blankensmith for the technical assistance.

TypeWriter Effect2 in TouchDesigner | TouchArtist

{TouchArtist – TypeWriter Effect2} Following previous tutorial, let’s dive into newly motion continuely! In 2024, we continue to update the TouchArtist column! This year, we will continue to use TouchDesigner as the foundation to delve deeper into experimental visuals. However, this time, I will be sharing in Cantonese! In addition to the Cantonese version, we […]

The Last of Us-Inspired Text Effects in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial If you’ve seen the popular TV show “The Last of Us”, you’re probably familiar with the title sequence, which features some very cool physarum-like organic […]

John Maeda-style Generative Poster Design in TouchDesigner

John Maeda is a well known designer, artist, and computer scientist who has continually pushed the boundaries of not only disciplinary divisions between art and design, but also the use of the computer as an artistic medium. His series of posters for the Morisawa Inc., a type foundry based in Japan, pushed the boundaries of […]

Collage Typography : TouchDesigner Instancing Tutorial

In this tutorial we explore an instancing technique which lets us build Typography by creating Collages of Images, or words out of images, We’ll explore instancing, using the replicator, and animating typography. Download the project for free at. https://martross.gumroad.com/l/efxleb 0:00 Intro 1:27 Instancing Pipeline Setup 6:46 Replicator Setup 13:45 Animating Scale 18:50 Geometry Variations

Typography with Geo Text Comp | TouchDesigner Tutorial

Become a Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/acrylicode Get 20% off on our Gumroad Files with discount code: “acode” on: https://acrylicode.gumroad.com Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acrylicode…. Twitter: https://twitter.com/acrylicode_art Website: https://www.acrylicode.com Support us by donating on our PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/acrylicode Absolute Beginner Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbupH… TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive […]

Kinetic Typography With Instancing – TouchDesigner Tutorial 49

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re using Instancing and Replicators to create a network for 3D typography that can be manipulated with systems like feedback and noise. (This video was a Patreon early access before, another early access will published later this month) Tex Instancing for Mac: https://youtu.be/YZ8SbCdjo2o If you have trouble integrating this technique, have […]


yay! more experimental typography animations! download project files for this file and get access to more tutorials and files. ​​https://www.patreon.com/pppanik BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if you want to, check out my work on instagram https://www.instagram.com/pppanik/​​ stay kind. sound in the beginning is by crystal castles.

Self-typing Text with Python in TouchDesigner Tutorial

Get access to 90+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial Most people think Python is just for scripting state machines, parsing data, and other boring tasks! On the contrary, Python can play a fundamental role in […]

Touchdesigner – Text mapping on grid Tutorial

In this tutorial we will learn how to map texts onto a plane or grid to make typography animation using Text SOP and stylizing it later in TOP. It’s a simple and fun technique I’ve been playing around for quite sometime now, and I think it’d be great to share this quick technique on how […]


today we create a simple tunnel animation that can be used in a more abstract or typographic way 🙂 download project files and get access to more tutorials and files: ​​https://www.patreon.com/pppanik BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if you want to, check out my work on instagram https://www.instagram.com/pppanik/​​ stay kind. sound in the beginning is […]


this time we take a look at creating some experimental typography animations! download project files and access to more tutorials and files. ​​https://www.patreon.com/pppanik BIG THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. 🙂 if you want to, check out my work on instagram https://www.instagram.com/pppanik/​​ stay kind. sound in the beginning is by aphex twin.

Texture avec du texte dans TouchDesigner

Voici un petit tuto qui vous montrera comment faire de la texture avec du texte et l’animer par la suite. Un système simple à faire pour un résultat très agréable et spectaculaire.Réalisé dans le cadre du cours Médias intéractif 4. Lien vers la vidéo inspirée: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kosFgK7DdCo&list=LL&index=2&t=12s&ab_channel=bileamtschepe Lien vers WavyKid: https://soundcloud.com/wavykid1

TUTO TouchDesigner – Les textures de textes

Au menu d’aujourd’hui, 3 petits tutoriels sur comment créer une texture de textes et l’animer. Lors de ce tutoriel nous allons parcourir le logiciel TouchDesigner et allons toucher à quelques outils qu’il nous offre. Dans cette vidéo, vous en apprendrez plus sur la fonctionnalité des textures et la façon de les animer. ============================================================= Cette vidéo […]

Touching Typography – Case 3: Stair Cube

In this tutorial series we are exploring certain ways of animating text using Touchdesigner. Where our multiple tutorial series ‘Kinetic Typography’ focuses on building an actual text tool for iterating typographic animations quickly, this series is more focused on examples from the field. Unfortunately, a lot of these typographic animations are pre baked. We’re rebuilding […]

Touching Typography – Case 2: Cache Grid

In this tutorial series we are exploring certain ways of animating text using Touchdesigner. Where our multiple tutorial series ‘Kinetic Typography’ focuses on building an actual text tool for iterating typographic animations quickly, this series is more focused on examples from the field. Unfortunately, a lot of these typographic animations are pre baked. We’re rebuilding […]

Poster made with Touchdesigner TUTORIAL #002

https://www.instagram.com/yop3rro/ https://www.behance.net/javiercasadidio Color lover palette picker: https://derivative.ca/community-post/asset/colour-lover-palette-picker?fbclid=IwAR2QyVRhHWwEwaeV2Ult7uAKphTFNzgLKd_-_R0rM7wlZmtLxaDCZmq9Jsg

TouchDesigner Text TOP Tutorial

Get access to 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: https://bit.ly/2zJ0lmt One of the most fun aspects of TouchDesigner is how deep you can go with even simple operators. Developers often have to overlay a lot […]

Scrolling Text Marquee using any number of characters | TouchDesigner Tutorial

A quick tutoral on making a scrolling text marquee in touchdesigner using phrase lengths of any size.

TouchDesigner Tutorial – Kinetic Typography

This is a simple tutorial on how to make an infinite scrolling text with one word or sentences in TouchDesigner with TOPs only. This technique is also called kinetic typography.

30min Time attack[TouchDesigner]

This is a TouchDesigner making movie on the concept “Let’s make work within 30min!” ; and I’ve failed.. it took 40min :_( Making text characters pop out one by one using Texture3D TOP. 「30分以内で作品作り」というコンセプトでTouchDesigner作業動画をあげました …時間内に間に合いませんでしたが(オイ) Texture3d TOPを使って文字を一つ一つ表示しています BGMはD-elf.com様よりお借りいたしました “Ancien Ocean – FreeVer.”, “Serialize free BGM Ver.” https://www.d-elf.com/youtube-free-bgm Here you can DL .toe file! .toe fileはこちら […]

TouchDesigner _04 Sliced Type

Audio reactive sliced text, kinetic typography, noise, masks, no glsl TouchDesigner 099 64-Bit Build 2020.23680 00:00 – Intro 00:45 – Text Mask 04:28 – Displace 07:50 – Sound 09:15 – Snare Detection 11:19 – Swap Text 13:22 – Refinements 14:52 – Outro Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threedashes___

Touching Typography – Case 1: Noise Grid – part 2 of 2

Welcome to part 2 of this Noise Grid Text animation tutorial! Make sure you follow part 1 first. You can find it here: https://youtu.be/D4n6ohCSIKQ In this new tutorial series we are going to explore certain ways of animating text using Touchdesigner. Where our multiple tutorial series ‘Kinetic Typography’ focuses on building an actual text tool […]

Touching Typography – Case 1: Noise Grid – part 1 of 2

In this new tutorial series we are going to explore certain ways of animating text using Touchdesigner. Where our multiple tutorial series ‘Kinetic Typography’ focuses on building an actual text tool for iterating typographic animations quickly, this series is more focused on examples from the field. Unfortunately, a lot of these typographic animations are pre […]

Kinetic Typography: Sentence instancing with Touchdesigner – PART 4: Non-Kepler & OSX workaround

In this fourth part of this multiple part tutorial series we are finally showing our Non-Kepler gpu users and Apple Mac OSX friends, who regularly bump into an error which tells that ‘texture instancing is not supported’, a workaround to step into this tutorial series as well! It’s not very difficult to set it up […]

Kinetic Typography – TouchDesigner Tutorial 17

In this tutorial we use instancing to create kinetic typography based on different 3D geometry. Files, exclusive content and more:https://www.patreon.com/elekktronaut Special thanks to: Jules Guerin, AhnthinkgooD, Eric Anderson, Nikolai Reinke, Rob, Xenia Format, Jeppe Vinum, Teruhisa, Simón Jaramillo Vallejo, hans mortelmans, Yeah and Lloyd Marsden If you have any questions, feel free to ask. IG: […]

Kinetic Typography: Sentence instancing with Touchdesigner – PART 3 – (2 of 2): Complex shapes

In this third part of this multiple part tutorial series we are going to show a couple of different approaches for creating, how we would like to call it, ‘animation shapes’. These can be done in Touchdesigner but we’re also using Blender for creating complex 3d models which will act as complex paths for the […]

Kinetic Typography: Sentence instancing with Touchdesigner – PART 3 – (1 of 2): Complex shapes

In this third part of this multiple part tutorial series we are going to show a couple of different approaches for creating, how we would like to call it, ‘animation shapes’. These can be done in Touchdesigner but we’re also using Blender for creating complex 3d models which will act as complex paths for the […]

Kinetic Typography: Sentence instancing with Touchdesigner – PART 2: UI build

In the second part of this multiple part tutorial series we are going to build a UI around our kinetic typographic animation tool using Touchdesigner. Not that technical as part 1 but it will provide you a couple of insights in UI building and makes this text animation tool a lot more interactive and optimized! […]

Kinetic Typography: Sentence instancing with Touchdesigner – PART 1

In this first part of a multiple part tutorial series we are going to explore a concept we’ve called ‘sentence instancing’. This rather technical part will explore the fundamental steps you need to take for creating a tool where a user can input a sentence and iterate through different shapes and/or animation paths which this […]