Datamoshing on TouchDesigner, a tutorial

Hi everyone! Today’s subject: Datamoshing effect in real time using TouchDesigner! Also some theory on basic feedback loops and displacement maps! Don’t hesitate to join the discord to chat about TD, get some help, assistance, share your projects: Also if you want the exact project file from the tutorial you can subcribe or buy […]

Watercolor Hand Tracking Brush in TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this beginner tutorial, we’ll dive into hand tracking with MediaPipe and building an interactive watercolor effect in TouchDesigner! You’ll learn how to create a custom hand-tracked brush to paint dynamically on screen, with brush size control, gesture-based clearing, and even video textures as brushes. 📌 Resources & Links: – Clamp Math Component (Free Download) […]

【Gem Seed】Virtual mask Gesture switching | TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL (Beginner Friendly)

You can ask me anything about Touchdesigner or get my TD plug-in on my discord Or follow me on: IG: Hope you like it! Mediapipe plugin and gesture interaction tut from ​⁠@blankensmithing For Point Cloud plugin ​⁠@papacci20 【Gem Seed】Touchdesigner Course (English Version) is online now! You can find it at the link below: […]

Simple motion tracking in TouchDesigner

This tutorial will show you how to implement motion tracking in TouchDesigner with the Blob Tracking TOP and use the results for the slit scan effect with the Texture 3D TOP and Time Machine TOP. Details and download are available at

【Gem Seed】3D Laser scanning dissipation | TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL (Beginner Friendly)

You can ask me anything about Touchdesigner or get my TD plug-in on my discord Or follow me on: IG: Hope you like it! 【Gem Seed】Touchdesigner Course (Chinese Version) English version coming soon on Udemy!

TouchDesigner ScriptCHOP Introduction (with Face Detection)

It is a demonstration on how to write Python code for the TouchDesigner ScriptCHOP. It used the OpenCV Face Detection example (YuNet). Details and download are available in my Patreon post,

TouchDesigner| Liquid Simulation With MediaPipe Hand Tracking

For this project I recreated liquid simulation that uses a feedback loop, webcam, and MediaPipe for the interactive effects. The ideal installation will be sitting on a wall whenever users draw into the screen they will see the brush moving and scaling accordingly. The Tutorials I referenced are: MediaPipe Tutorial PPPANIK Liquid Colors

Face tracking using TouchDesigner and Unreal Engine

Get the plugin here: Or here: For an overview of the OSCToolset Plugin you can see it here: This is a simple example of how to use the facial tracking CHOP from TouchDesigner and send the generated channel data to Unreal Engine. Discord! If you want to share bugs or have questions […]

Motion Trace Effect tool for TouchDesigner

Are you too lazy to follow a tutorial to get this popular motion trace effect? Why not just get it with drag-and-drop simplicity? Get it through my Pateron: If you’re in the learning mood though you can figure out how to build this effect from scratch watching this tutorial here:

Trace and Blob Tracking Effect with TouchDesigner

I’ve been seeing this effect a lot lately and thought I’d figure out how its done and share it. This tutorial covers lots of other fun little techniques using a Cache TOP and Difference TOP to make a cheap motion detection TOP. If there’s an effect out there that you’d like to learn. Send it […]

Face Tracking Perspectives – TouchDesigner Tutorial 70

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we use face tracking to interact with our project in different ways just by looking at it from different angles. Includes 4 main examples, another one coming soon! —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 01:40 Face Tracking Setup 04:20 E1: Simple Texture 08:25 E2: Feedback 11:34 E3: 3D Rotation 19:34 E4: 3D […]

Face Tracking Prism – TouchDesigner Tutorial 69

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we create a lovely interactive project using the Face Track CHOP in combination with the Video Device In and Instancing to recreate a sort of prism effect as seen in the movie “The Five Devils” (2022). LUTs tutorial: Thanks for 50k subscribers ❤️❤️ —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 01:10 Input […]

(FA) TouchDesigner tutorial 02 – Interactive Instancing + Gaze tracking (Beginner friendly)

In this tutorial we are going to make an Interactive idea together using instancing technique and make it interactive using Mouse and Iphone ‘ s ARkit. Whats waiting for you: – Instancing basics – developing and idea -preparing data for Interaction *This Tutorial is in Farsi language, English version will be added soon! ————————————————— دراین […]

Touchdesigner Hand tracking with Media Pipe with 3D Collision

This video shows how to track your hands with a webcam using Media Pipe Plugin developed by Torin Blankensmith and detect their collision in the 3D world with other objects using Bullet Solver.

Body Tracking Orb in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Want to create an interactive look without using a body tracking sensor? In this video, we’ll show you how to use the latest Nvidia body-tracking […]

Picture in Picture Hand Tracking Effect – TouchDesigner Tutorial

This tutorial is inspired from the Genuary (generative art month in January) prompt from day 3 to create something in the style of a Droste effect / a Picture in a Picture. I use the MediaPipe hand tracking plugin created by Dom Scott and myself to controll the motion. This also features a bonus Reaction […]

Nvidia Body Track CHOP in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Video File Download Link: Video Info: Me walking in the waves by sgu18ify, CC Attribution 3.0 Unported License: New feature alert! With the […]

New Body Tracking Plugin for TouchDesigner – No Kinect Needed

Hey! In this tutorial, we’ll go over my new body-tracking plugin for TouchDesigner. It runs off the webcam and works on both Mac and PC without any setup. In this video I’ll show you an overview of the component and how to start using it in your TouchDesigner Projects. I’ve refined this plugin based on […]

31 Maxine Pose Tracker

In this tutorial we will hack the Pose Tracker of Nvdia Omniverse Machinima, so we can use the joint position in TD. We will build a UDP server in the Pose tracker and send the data out. Project Files: My Repo: To buy me a beer write here:

3/3 TouchDesigner Vol.025 Face-Tracking Effects Creation with External Python Libraries

Support TDSW on Patreon Registration on Patreon gives you access to sample files. We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and expression methods of wonderful artists, creators, and developers from all over the world. Please join TDSW Patreon Membership and enjoy your creation! #TouchDesigner #tutorial #tdsw ■ Contents (subject to […]

Body Tracking with No Kinect in TouchDesigner 2022

Hey! In this tutorial, we’ll go over how to use the real-time body tracking component for TouchDesigner that I’ve released on my Patreon: Link to the No Kinect Website: [Note] you can tack in a query parameter to your socket server by using ?wsURL= eg. This makes it easy to share a […]

Touchdesigner and Mouse .Realtime Interactive Touchdesigner Tutorial: Generative Art using mouse

Generative art can be created with so many algorithms, but it gets interesting when generative art changes size, shape and its form through an external events. I am using mouse to change the generative art in realtime using touchdesigner. Touchdesigner Tutorial: Line SOP and Particle SOP. Touchdesigner and Leap Motion Sensor. Use of some of […]

Zed 2i 3D Scanning in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 120+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: The Zed 2i camera is a great device! In our previous video, we did our initial first impressions of what the device can do and how […]

Simple Motion Visualisation – TouchDesigner Tutorial 55

In this TouchDesigner tutorial we’re looking at a few simple techniques on how to capture motion with video and Kinect input and display it in a funky way. You can also use a Video Device In for the technique at 17:05. Tracking motion without Kinect: —– 00:00 Intro & Overview 01:48 Video Setup 03:35 […]

Touchdesigner : Instancing geometry with body tracking & facial expression interactive

This project is inspired by the tutorial: Instancing Geometry with Mouse interactive in Touchdesigner , which is made by Noto The Talking Ball. Here is the link:

Touchdesigner[SkeletonTracking][Realsense][Nvidia Flex Solver]

TouchdesignerとRealsenseを使ってインタラクティブアートの作成をしていきます。 スケルトントラッキングポイントにboxをコピーして配置し、Nvidia Flex Solverを使って作りました。 Nvidia Flex Solverを使えばトラックポイントに配置したboxの当たり判定や、パーティクルの流れなども簡単に作れます。 次回は[Bullet Solver]を使ってインタラクティブアートを作ってみたいと思います! 前回チュートリアルで作ったトラッキングポイントを使っていきますので、まだの方は先にこちらを見てください。 [SkeletonTracking]Touchdesigner Realsense 使用したRealsenseCamera #Touchdesigner #InteractiveArt #Realsense #SkeletonTracking #NvidiaFlexSolver —————————- 0:25 前回のチュートリアルとの変更(トラッキングポイント) 1:46 2Dに変換 4:29 カメラ位置調整 5:13 Nvidia Flex Solverの設定 —————————- ぎまパパチャンネル[プロジェクションマッピング/Scratch/TouchDesingnerの使い方/VJ] FaceBook Twitter Tweets by gimapapa

RTX Face Tracking in TouchDesigner – Tutotrial

Get access to 80+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Face tracking used to be something you had to pay a lot of money for or use custom hardware for to get any kind of real-time […]

TAKE IT ALL! – Video switcher, Eyedropper, Color/Motion tracking (터치디자이너 튜토리얼 자막)

Take my useful toooools for your wooork You can download a project file in below link now. 위 링크에서 프로젝트 파일을 다운받으실 수 있습니다. (무료배포) 00:00 Intro 00:20 Video switcher 04:17 Eyedropper 06:58 Color tracking 12:10 Motion tracking 13:54 Show me your work! review 14:09 Brian Smith 14:40 Yonsan Kim 14:57 Akenbak Music 15:18 […]

FaceTrack + Touchdesigner (RTX Nvidia’s Face Tracking AR SDK)

Hola TDers, comparto un nuevo tutorial, explicando como configurar el sistema de Facetracking dentro de TouchDesigner, analizando varios conceptos técnicos, y algunos ejemplos prácticos de como implementar estos nuevos operadores. Tutorial:

Easy Person Detection with Blob Tracking – TouchDesigner Tutorial

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: We all know about the complex and expensive types of hardware we can use to track people in a space. But often times we don’t really […]

LeapMotion & handtracking —- Touchdesigner Tutorial

In this Touchdesigner Tutorial we can create a hand model with LeapMotion Everyone can do handtracking!! 詳しい解説はこちら qiita: IG: twitter:

LeapMotion & handtracking —- Touchdesigner Tutorial

In this Touchdesigner Tutorial we can create a hand model with LeapMotion Everyone can do handtracking!! 詳しい解説はこちら qiita: IG: twitter:

Experimentación Touchdesigner, detector de movimiento 4 puntos con camara- Dia 2

Exploración, aprendiendo a utilizar el software touchdesigner, con experimentación, en base a nociones basicas de este. Experimento: Crear un material que reaccione a un detector de movimiento, para 4 zonas puntuales del encuadre de la cámara. Aprendizaje esperado

Extracting Data from Featuring Tracking in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: A lot of folks are loving the new possibilities of the Script TOP, especially when it comes to implementing OpenCV workflows in realtime in TouchDesigner. After […]

Easy Feature Tracking with Script TOP and OpenCV in TouchDesigner – Tutorial

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: If you’ve ever tried to use OpenCV inside of TouchDesigner or do any kind of machine learning, you’ll have quickly hit a major bottleneck: the difficulty […]

TouchDesigner: SVG Export and Tobii Eye-Tracking (BAD AUDIO)

Powered by Restream Creative an Audio Reactive Component in TouchDesigner.

Suivi de mouvement sans Kinect – Astuces TouchDesigner FR

Dans cette vidéo, nous allons voir comment suivre un mouvement simplement avec une webcam, donc sans Kinect ou caméra RealSense. Cela a l’avantage de ne nécessiter qu’une webcam et demande peu de ressources à votre ordinateur. Si vous êtes intéressés par les bases de TouchDesigner, vous pouvez voir mon cours ici (EN) Le reste […]

Tracking motion without a Kinect – Quick Tips TouchDesigner EN

In this video we will look at how we can track motion simply with a webcam, without a Kinect or a RealSense camera. You only need a webcam and it doesn’t require much resources from your computer. If you are interested in learning TouchDesigner from the basics, check out my class on skillshare You […]

Preparing to use Leap Motion in TouchDesigner

This video demonstrated the use of the Leap Motion controller, the visualizer and the preparation to use it in TouchDesigner.

Leap Motion and particles system in TouchDesigner

This exercise uses the Leap Motion to control the source position of the particles system to achieve the effect of what Elsa did in ‘Let it Go’. The particles system is the GPU version from the Palette Browser.

Leap Motion in TouchDesigner with 3D object

This exercise uses the Leap Motion device to control the rotation of an external 3D model in TouchDesigner. The model is obtained from the

Using Leap Motion in TouchDesigner for 2D interaction

This simple exercise uses the Leap Motion controller to interact with a 2D display in TouchDesigner. It tracks one finger to move along a circular shape on screen.

Mouse tracking + partículas – Touchdesigner tutorial

Crearemos un sistema de partículas, el cual seguirá el puntero del mouse. Estas coordenadas podrán se remplazadas por otro tipo de sensores, ya sea kinect, leap motion, arduino, etc. Musica:

Motion tracking exercise with TouchDesigner 1

The exercise uses the Blob Track object in TouchDesigner to track movement in front of the camera.

touchdesigner tutorial – Particle tracking the mouse

#touchdesigner#particle#tutorial TouchDesigner tutorial on particles. In this video, we will create a particle that tracks the mouse. Generates airflow using the force and particle sops. 【instagram】

Touchdesigner – simple color tracker WITHOUT Blob tracking TOP – Part 2

In this video we explore the idea of tracking colour within an image without the use of the dedicated Blob tracking top. This is a redux of a larger project for tracking objects that move through a space with a top-down camera. In part 2: we develop the executable code that ‘finds’ our colour within […]

Touchdesigner – simple color tracker WITHOUT Blob tracking TOP – Part 1

In this video we explore the idea of tracking colour within an image without the use of the dedicated Blob tracking top. This is a redux of a larger project for tracking objects that move through a space with a top-down camera. In part 1 we build the TOP manipulation required to single out our […]