TouchDesigner Tutorial: Video to ParticlesGPU – Turn Any Video into Organic Particles

This TouchDesigner tutorial teaches you to create an alien planet or sand dune texture Project Files Here 👉 *Summary* In this TouchDesigner tutorial, you’ll learn to transform video into particles using ParticlesGPU. We’ll map RGB to XYZ, add feedback and blur for dynamic motion, and customize particles with materials. A complete system for real-time visuals […]

[20] Ente de luz – TouchDesigner Tutorial

En este tutorial crearemos efectos de luz usando split scan, caleidoscopio y Feedback con Cache TOP. 👉 *Archivos del proyecto y componentes en:* 🚀 *¡Únete a este canal y disfruta de beneficios!:* 💫 *Instagram:* 💬 Si tienes alguna pregunta, ¡no dudes en preguntar! – – – – – – – – – […]

3D Particle GPU Interactive Camera | TouchDesigner Tutorial

In this session, we’ll explore how to create a cool 3D particle outline effect, intended to highlight a person with a cloud of particles. I will show you a few easy techniques like particle instancing, camera input and dynamic forces to control your particles, and more. First part contains everything you need to know to […]

TouchDesigner Camera ParticlesGPU FX Breakdown

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Noise Sculpting in TouchDesigner with ParticleGPU – Part 5 (Tutorial)

Helloo lovely people In this project I used positional instancing through the particleGPU tool, and used the default lookups to manipulate values and create some customisable 3d patterns! These are just some simple tricks to get you started with the particleGPU tool which seemed very complicated to me in the beginning. Remember that TouchDesigner is […]

Touchdesigner/ Particles Gpu – Optical flow

Introduction to Particles Gpu and Optical Flow in Touchdesigner. I’m gradually uploading some of the files on Patreon: Join me Here —– ☁ All videos have generated English Subtitle which I edited them and I tried to highlight the important parts. 👩‍💻 Stay tune and Subscribe to get notification for new videos! IG: […]

use particleGPU with SOPs to generate animated visuals in TouchDesigner

I used particleGPU from the palette to generate animated visuals. Download toe file: I have more videos in which I used particleGPU. Check out TouchDesigner playlist. #touchdesigner #tutorial

Abstract visual with particleGPU in TouchDesigner

Like the previous video, in this patch I create a 3D shape with particleGPU component from the palette. Download toe file: #particleGPU #touchdesigner

generate various visuals with particleGPU in TouchDesigner

This time, I use particleGPU to generate visual with my custom shape. Download toe file: #particleGPU #touchdesigner

potential of ParticleGPU – create this animation art with TouchDesigner

Particle GPU is a tool from the palette that has a lot of possibilities. In this video, I create a texture with TOP components and a 3D SOP as the source of particles. I uploaded the toe file on my Patreon: If this was interesting, please press the Like button. #particleGPU #touchdesigner #tutorial #particles

[TouchDesigner] particles GPU

20240112 particlesGPU toe 2024 01 12 14 49 39

[TouchDesigner]particles GPU, feedback effects

20240112 particlesGPU me toe 2024 01 12 15 53 21

NO MORE KINECT : Body Track GPU Particle

#kinect #touchdesigner #beginner #particle #shader #glsl Need the sample file? Being a Patreon : Chapter 0:00 Intro 1:23 Body Track CHOP 4:07 Skeleton Visualization 13:07 GPU Particle 16:38 Compute Shader 34:19 Apply a force 37:26 Brightness problem Tiktok : IG: X : Patreon :

Particle SOP in TouchDesigner – Interactive Metaball Forces and Surface Attractors

Use the built-in power of TouchDesigner by leveraging the Particle SOP for quick, easy interactive particle systems. In this tutorial we will take a tour of the Particle SOP, then focus on using Metaball and Force SOPs, along with the Point SOP to precisely manipulate our geometry attributes. Use the mouse and Panel CHOP to […]

Colorful Circles: particlesGPU Basics in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Get the project files here: Particle systems are a popular and often-requested topic among interactive developers. Their high level of configurability and captivating movement […]