Talks272 Videos

TouchDesigner meetup – August

Join more meetups here:

Music Videos – TouchDesigner Tips, Tricks and FAQs 13

In this tutorial I’m sharing some insights into my approach to making music videos (audioreactive and generative abstract visuals) in TouchDesigner. The final music video (Aeroglyph Collective – Evolution): —– 1 – TALK 00:00 Intro / Overview 01:48 Realtime 03:10 Money, Contracts & Deadline 05:33 Musicians’ Input 06:45 Listening, Experimenting & Feedback 2 – […]

TouchDesigner meetup – July Edition

Join a TouchDesigner meetup: Learn TouchDesigner This session focuses on Shaders and will feature presentations from TouchDesigner experts: Josef Luis Pelz – Real-time cloth simulation in TD with GLSL We’ll have a look at a versatile real-time cloth simulation. Besides showing some example results, I’ll try to briefly explain how the system works and how […]

Procedural Pipeline for every CG Artist – Free lesson

A combination of Houdini and TouchDesigner is an amazing way to boost both productivity and creativity in any field of postproduction, motion design, or interactive real-time graphics. An artist-friendly visual programming environment and procedural pipeline can handle a wide range of tasks and are much easier to use than one might expect. Links published during the lesson: TouchDesigner Video courses: On 21 of June 2022 we start a newly […]

Virtual Production & TouchDesigner Streaming with Walker Keene

Join Elburz for a big announcement and an interactive TouchDesigner gameshow

TouchDesigner InSession – July 30th 2021

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Noel Apitta HOME Instagram: @scarletmotiff —-

TouchDesigner Vol.045 Data Visualization in TouchDesigner【Sneak Peak】

▽You can watch the rest of this tutorial and others with a membership on the TDSW patreon. Support TDSW on Patreon If you subscribe to a subscription plan of $20 or more, you get unlimited access to all of our past archives! We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and […]

TouchDesigner InSession – June 25th 2021

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Crystal Jow Instagram: @crystaljowart —-

TouchDesigner Vol.044 TouchDesigner as an integrated tool in the research scene 【Sneak Peak】

▽You can watch the rest of this tutorial and others with a membership on the TDSW patreon. Support TDSW on Patreon If you subscribe to a subscription plan of $20 or more, you get unlimited access to all of our past archives! We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and […]

TouchDesigner June meetup – Interactivity

Stay tuned for other LIVE meetups: Saturday 12th June – This session focused on interactivity and will feature presentations from TouchDesigner experts. Speakers: Crystal Jow: Creating Meditative Spaces Crystal will be presenting about using physical movement and mindfulness practice to fuel interactive experiences. Her goal is to bridge the understanding of consciousness with immersive […]

Projection Mapping and Machines with Harvey Moon

Join Elburz for a big announcement and an interactive TouchDesigner gameshow

TouchDesigner May meetup – Typography & Graphic Design

Stay tuned for other LIVE meetups: Saturday 15th May – This session focuses on Typography and Graphic Design and features presentations from TouchDesigner experts. Presenters: Jash: 36 Days Of Type Jash is a Canadian/American photographer, videographer, and motion graphics artist. Jash recently challenged himself to participate in the annual 36 days of type challenge; […]

TouchDesigner InSession – June 4th 2021

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guests: Simone Franco Luca Ferro DragOn: —-

CGEVENT 2020: Будущее в реалтайме: опасная смесь Houdini, TouchDesigner, Python, GLSL, OpenCV и UE

В июне мы запускаем первую часть анонсированного в этом видео курса. 4 июня стоимость билетов повыситься, у Вас есть время вписаться в курс по самой льготной цене. Посмотреть программу курси и записаться можно тут: Если у Вас есть вопросы после просмотра сайта – заполняйте форму обратной связи или пишите в телеграм @prcdrl Описание Доклада […]

TouchDesigner Vol.043 Generative Visuals with Kinect 2【Sneak Peak】

▽You can watch the rest of this tutorial and others with a membership on the TDSW patreon. Support TDSW on Patreon If you subscribe to a subscription plan of $20 or more, you get unlimited access to all of our past archives! We have prepared a lot of contents to learn the techniques and […]

Infographics in TouchDesigner – Online course Teaser

More info: Licht.Pfad announces an intensive practical class about the automation of Infographic animation We do a very short theoretical part and a bunch of practical topics. We going to build a template for infographic animation based on request from the website, providing data in JSON format.

3Dconnexion Space Mouse Camera Control inside Notch, via TouchDesigner

Using a Spacepilot Pro to control the camera inside of Notch Builder. .bin Notch file and .tox TD files can be found here: Inside TouchDesigner, Joystick CHOP into Select CHOP into OSC CHOP. Inside Notch, OSC Modifier into Accumulator into Position/Rotation of a Null

App Development in TouchDesigner

TouchDesigner is not only the perfect tool for generative graphics and FX mastering. It is also a super-powerful environment for programming and user experience creation. And very often modern projects contain tasks that require out-of-the-box thinking and ready-made solutions are not enough. In this case, we can develop a custom solution fully fitted to the […]

Mapping festival 2021 / Touchdesigner Avancé / Masterclass

Le code créatif offre la souplesse nécessaire pour adapter le contenu numérique à différents espaces et environnements. Il s’agit de la manière dont les informations sont traitées et traduites en une expression artistique. Les itérations qui en résultent sont illimitées, et chaque expérience devient unique. Dans cette présentation, l’artiste va expliquer son processus créatif et […]

Level Up – Pier: Asserting Breath in Projection Content Creation and Playback Systems

Pier: Asserting Breath in Projection Content Creation and Playback Systems PAST PRODUCTION PRESENTATION February 12th, 2021 at 10am PST/ 1pm EST A devoted and creative collaborator, Wladimiro A. Woyno R. is often prototyping tools, images and visual environments that engage the sensory imagination. His work explores the adaptation of new technologies into the theatrical tradition. […]

LED Mapping & GPU Pipelines with Lucas Morgan

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: LED mapping is not an easy or intuitive workflow to start from scratch. In TouchDesigner, we have GeoPix, an application designed and created by Lucas Morgan […]

Projection Mapping for $70?

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Projection mapping is something everyone wants to get involved in but it can be expensive to get a hold of projectors. We’ve all seen those sketchy […]

QNA with Noto

Today is been a year since Noto came out! I couldn’t have done these whole things without you guys. I really thank you my subscribers, patrons and you! XD 00:00 Intro 00:28 Let’s start QnA 00:43 Before I learn Touchdesigner 01:08 When did you start learning Touchdesigner? 02:18 Why Touchdesigner? 03:00 What made you dive […]

TouchDesigner InSession – April 30th 2021

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Noah Norman —-

TOUCHIN presents by TDSW

しばらく会っていない間にあんなことを覚えていたり、いろんなこと考えてたり、こんな挑戦をしていたあの人たちの近況を聞くトークセッションイベント ■ TOUCHIN 企画に向けて 2021年、世界が一変してから1年と少しが経過しました。 まだ元に戻る兆しもないままですが、いろんなことに悩んだり気づいたりしながら少しずつ新しい時代に適応しはじめてきたのではないでしょうか。 むしろこの時代になったからこそ生まれたすごいやつとかいっぱいありますよね。。 TouchDesignerをはじめビジュアルプログラミング云々のコミュニティとして誕生してからTDSWはそろそろ3年目になります。 この1年は「コロナが落ち着いたら」を枕詞にしながらいろんなイベントやプロジェクトを企画しては見送ってを繰り返してきました。 当たり前に集まることができていたあの時と、今だからできることがあるこの時の、 いいとこ取りをした時間を”エクスペリメンタル*”に、少しずつはじめようと思います。 *訳: [エクスペリメンタル ] 実験的に – とても便利な言葉ですね TDSW代表:narumin —————————————————– ■ 開催日時 4月11日(日)19:00 ~ 21:00(現地開場18:30) ■ 開催会場 TUNNEL TOKYO TDSW YouTube Channel ■ タイムテーブル 18:30 – 19:00 入場開始 19:00 – 19:10 オープニング 19:10 – 19:30 Talk Session 1 / TDSW 19:30 – 20:10 Talk Session 2 / VJ […]

[TouchDesigner – Component] Particle Walker

Download: Music:

TouchDesigner InSession – March 26th 2021

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Paola G. Olea Projects —-

TouchDesigner InSession – March 26th 2021

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Paola G. Olea Projects —-

Концертный видеоряд, часть 2 / Алексей Чой

Встреча #5 Online, 18 марта, 2021 Алексей ответил на вопросы и показал TouchDesigner. Алексей Чой — медиахудожник, музыкант, сценограф, выпускник курса «Сценография» Британской Высшей Школы Дизайна, преподаватель в бизнес-школе RMA. Специализируется на постановке музыкальных мероприятий. Работал с Петром Мамоновым, дуэтом Аигел, группами «Браво», «Мельница», «Мегаполис», Ириной Богушевской, Московским Государственным симфоническим оркестром, Московской консерваторией, Тиграном Амасяном […]

Концертный видеоряд, часть 1 / Алексей Чой

Встреча #3 Online, 4 марта, 2021 Алексей рассказал о составляющих постановки музыкальных мероприятий и программах. Алексей Чой — медиахудожник, музыкант, сценограф, выпускник курса «Сценография» Британской Высшей Школы Дизайна, преподаватель в бизнес-школе RMA. Специализируется на постановке музыкальных мероприятий. Работал с Петром Мамоновым, дуэтом Аигел, группами «Браво», «Мельница», «Мегаполис», Ириной Богушевской, Московским Государственным симфоническим оркестром, Московской консерваторией, […]

GeoPix 2.0 is going OPEN SOURCE! ( Release : April 8th 2021 )

Hey folks! A lot has happened over the last year, and I haven’t uploaded in a while. I have decided to release GeoPix as an open source project on GitHub on April 8th. This video is basically a run through of what’s new, and what’s planned moving forwards. A lot is still to happen in […]

The Championship TouchDesigner TECHNICAL CHALLENGE Highlights!

Get access to 70+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: Judged by none other than Derivative Founder Greg Hermanovic, the Technical Challenge sees competitors race against the clock to create the most impressive TouchDesigner work […]

Управление декорациями из Touchdesigner

Алексей Чой рассказал о создании интерфейса для театральных лебёдок в Touchdesigner Основные моменты: * Итоговый проект работает на сервере с сенсорной панелью в одном из Новосибирских театров * Интерфейс управляет DMX лебёдками на спектаклях * Используются пресеты, в которых слайдерами можно задавать скорость подъёма и спуска декораций * Взаимодействие сенсора с интерфейсом работает с помощью […]

Проектирование инсталляций в Touchdesigner – Pavel Robert

На встрече 28.01.2020 Павел Роберт поделился на встрече своим опытом проектирования инсталляций в Touchdesigner. В видео представлено его выступление в сжатом виде Риалтайм блог

TouchDesigner InSession – February 26th 2021

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Justin Dwyer & Dr Betty Sargeant IMMERSIVE + PUBLIC ART —-

TouchDesigner InSession – January 29th 2020

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Caroline Reize —-

Colorpicker Widget for Touchdesigner: v1.3

Herewith a simple but powerful colorpicker widget for Touchdesigner which you can use in your own user interfaces. This widget is build based on the color picker from Serif Affinity Designer, but people working with programs like GIMP, Illustrator, Photoshop will be quite familiar with this kind of colorpicking. Have fun! The third update adds […]

Update Covid Visualization – Touchdesigner

This is an update on the covid visualization i did a year ago. a lot more date is available, so this is very interesting for those who want to compare country data f.e. Less eye candy than the last one but the setup is reduced a lot and you can easily make adjustments. Btw. you […]

TouchDesigner – Patreon channel – On-release contents – Feb. 2021

Hello everyone! Here I introduce the projects I am working on. They will be released this month on my Patreon channel:​ These projects are still on-the-making and some improvements need still to be added. I also want to thank all the patrons for supporting me. You are amazing! If you have any proposals, ideas […]

TouchDesigner InSession – January 29th 2020

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Caroline Reize —-

Touchdesigner – Experiments with Forces and Flex Simulations

this is just a short video to explain a feature request i´ve made. no audio.

Houdini and TouchDesigner in artistic work. Open talk by Stanislav Glazov

An online public talk about Procedural approach in real-time and Non-Realtime graphics. He will be showing examples from his artistic projects using the power of two advanced software perfectly complementing each over: SideFX Houdini & Derivative TouchDesigner. Understanding proceduralism is a key to generative modeling and animation and while it’s opening abstract thinking abilities, it […]

Attraktors Designer – Choreographik Particle System – Made with TouchDesigner

ATTRAKTORs DESIGNER is an application created with TouchDesigner from Derivative. It can play with the different formulas of strange attractors or other, mix and control them with different parameters in order to modify the movement of particles by creating random and aesthetically coherent shapes. all design is created in real time. the parameters of the […]

algorhythm – Bachelor Project Overview

In this video I present the practical part of my Bachelor project. I go over the general functioning and the UI and features in detail. Let me know if you have ideas, suggestions or if you wish to collaborate on this project with me in the future. Thesis as PDF: Live Performance (project in […]

Аe+Unreal Engine+C4D+TouchDesigner? Рилтайм моушн графика в NOTCH VFX

Это запись доклада для CG EVENT 2020 ГЛАВНАЯ Как мы заметили, за последние несколько лет лекций про Notch или Td было сравнительно мало. Мы бы хотели восполнить этот пробел на грядущем CG EVENT и рассказать про NOTCH — что в нем можно делать, как начать в нем работать и с чем вообще есть NOTCH VFX […]

TouchDesigner InSession – December 18th 2020

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Louise Lessel —-

The HQ Interview & Hiring Prep with Elburz and Matthew

Put your best foot forward and land the gigs you’ve always wanted by preparing yourself to give great interviews!

TD Livepatching Event | VjBelka

Offline competition between TouchDesigner artists. The main idea is the creation of TD composition “from scratch” during a limited period of time, accompanied by live electronic musicians. The works will be reviewed by authoritative figures in the field of media art. Follow us:… Hosted by One Location – Virtual production studio… […]

TD Livepatching Event | E68

Offline competition between TouchDesigner artists. The main idea is the creation of TD composition “from scratch” during a limited period of time, accompanied by live electronic musicians. The works will be reviewed by authoritative figures in the field of media art. Follow us: Hosted by One Location – Virtual production studio […]

PANDEMIC MEDIA SPACE Lecture #5 part 2 Artur Lis

Artur Lis Methods of the image deformation. Various techniques for deforming a livestream image using Resolume and Touchdesigner. How I created theatrical performance through varius media during pandemic lockdown. Pandemic Media Space is the international cooperation project between Ukrainian Association of Electroacoustic Music and Polish Society of Electroacoustic music, funded by grant program foundation “House […]

PANDEMIC MEDIA SPACE Lecture #5 part 1 Artur Lis

Artur Lis. Methods of the image deformation. Various techniques for deforming a livestream image using Resolume and Touchdesigner. How I created theatrical performance through varius media during pandemic lockdown. Pandemic Media Space is the international cooperation project between Ukrainian Association of Electroacoustic Music and Polish Society of Electroacoustic music, funded by grant program foundation “House […]

What’s In My Tech Pouch On Every TouchDesigner Gig!

Get access to 60+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Over a decade of leading on-site installations of immersive media projects, Elburz has put together a lightweight and flexible toolkit of gear that he brings to […]

TD Livepatching Event

Offline competition between TouchDesigner artists. The main idea is the creation of TD composition “from scratch” during a limited period of time, accompanied by live electronic musicians. The works will be reviewed by authoritative figures in the field of media art. Hosted by One Location – Virtual production studio The project is non-commercial. If […]

TouchDesigner InSession – November 6th 2020

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guests: Manuel Mitasch Ben Kuper —-

Reverb in TouchDesigner: Discussion and Demonstration

In this video I present an overview of my TouchDesigner reverb component; its pros and cons and some of the difficulties I’ve been experiencing in this pursuit. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Large Scale System Architecture in TouchDesigner – Lucas Morgan

Workshop: Large Scale System Architecture in TouchDesigner GeoPix Example File: 0:00 – Introduction 6:02 – GeoPix demo 15:14 – Anatomy of GeoPix – An object oriented lighting design sandbox 39:50 – The Editor Tab – Dataflow, static to real-time 51:56 – The I/O Tab – Recreating TouchDesigner, in TouchDesigner 58:56 – The Perform Tab […]

TouchDesigner Meetup #5

FLUX20YY и школа Realtime представляют: Touchdesigner Meetup #5. Темы лекций: Денис Новиков. “Пакетная передача данных в Arduino”. Александр Dzhezus. “Тач+Нотч”.. Станислав Глазов. “Интерактивные head up displays” Локация: Аудитория Black box в Технограде ВДНХ, Проспект Мира, 119 с 319, 1 этаж. Да будет Свет!

TouchDesigner InSession – August 21st 2020

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Ginger Leigh —-

Colorpicker widget for Touchdesigner: Free download

Herewith a simple but powerful colorpicker widget for Touchdesigner which you can use in your own user interfaces. This widget is build based on the color picker from Serif Affinity Designer, but people working with programs like GIMP, Illustrator, Photoshop will be quite familiar with this kind of colorpicking. Have fun! Free download at: […]

deadmau5 judges The Championship TouchDesigner Aesthetic Challenge – Highlights!

Get access to 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: The Interactive & Immersive Championship Aesthetic Challenge was guest judged by electronic music producer deadmau5 and it was a great time! Competitors were given the […]

TouchDesigner InSession – July 31st 2020

A hands-on session with the Derivative team —- Guest: Elburz Sorkhabi ( Ori Ben-Shabat Dylan Roscover ( —-

The Winner of The First Interactive & Immersive Championship! Interview with Ori Ben-Shabat

Get access to 50+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls – here: The Interactive & Immersive Champion came to a close this weekend and the winner of The Championship is Ori Ben-Shabat. I sit down with Ori […]

Benjamin Carrier – phone sensors, OSC – Championship TouchDesigner Project

For the Interactivity Challenge, Benjamin utilized his mobile phone as an interactive input for his TouchDesigner network. He used OSC messaging to get tons of different data points from all the sensors on his phone, including accelerometers, gyroscopes, GPS, orientation, and more. Using this data, he created a game that involved using his mobile phone […]

The Championship TouchDesigner INTEGRATION CHALLENGE Highlights!

Don’t miss DAY 2 of The Interactive & Immersive Championship LIVE on July 25th at 12pm ET – watch here: Judged by none other than Notch Founder Matt Swoboda, the Integration Challenge sees competitors integrate TouchDesigner with one other application of their choice and connect to Twitch chat. They are provided with a TouchDesigner […]

Patchy (Christopher Hall) – Guitar Hero, Synth, OSC, AxiDraw – Championship TouchDesigner Project

This project was created as part of The Interactive & Immersive Championship Challenge 1: For the interactive challenge, I used a Guitar Hero controller & a ‘Blip Blox’ toy synthesizer. I received data from the Guitar Hero controller over OSC into TouchDesigner, and used the guitar to control a 3D scene, and used it as […]

Lucas Morgan (Enviral Design) – Kinect, Blender – Championship TouchDesigner Project

This project was made as part of The Interactive & Immersive Championship. Interactive Challenge: This challenge turned into a game of 2.5D pong, where the user’s hands as the kinect saw them controlled the location of two paddles, and a particle system emitted a singular point when the match began, that would collide with the […]

Ben Benjamin (webglol) – Node.js, Rest, OSC – Championship TouchDesigner Project

This project was created as part of The Interactive & Immersive Championship. From the artist: serving media to TouchDesigner via Node.js. Two-way communication between TouchDesigner and a web server using REST and OSC. Create a high-performance image-board in TouchDesigner driven by Twitch chat API.

mo ma – Oculus, Unity, OSC – Interactive & Immersive Championship TouchDesigner Project

This project was created as part of The Interactive & Immersive Championship. 1st work: Using an Oculus headset, the work receives controllers’ position. And it passes a line between two controllers points which is decorated so that it looks like thunder. *You can change the thunder strength with your left controller pushing forwards. 2nd work: […]

Dom Davis (Psychojelly) – Leap Motion – Interactive & Immersive Championship TouchDesigner Project

This project was created as part of The Interactive & Immersive Championship. From the artist: When given the prompt to make a game out of interactive hardware, participant Dom Davis of Psychojelly chose to use the leap motion, a hand tracking device, to make a “choose your own adventure” video player. In this breakdown, he […]

Rob McDonald – TDAbleton, Twitch – Interactive & Immersive Championship TouchDesigner Project

This project was created as part of The Interactive & Immersive Championship. Rob built a touchscreen interface that controlled the colours of a video switching system and animation switching system. TDAbleton was also integrated to have the videos and animations switch to the beat. Twitch integration idea was to change the colour of the video […]

Tekt – Leap Motion and Resolume – Interactive & Immersive Championship TouchDesigner Project

These projects were created as part of The Interactive & Immersive Championship. Round 1: Tekt’s piece for round 1 uses Leap Motion to control Nvidia Flow smoke emitters matching the user’s hand positions and a pinch gesture to control the emitter size. It also applies distortion that follows the user’s hands, pushing and pulling pixels […]

Interview with Simone Murtas, TouchDesigner Pro and Winner of The Interactivity Challenge

Watch day 2 of The Championship LIVE here: Simone Murtas won The Interactivity Challenge on day 1 of The Interactive & Immersive Championship with a great Kinect-driven spray paint game made in less than 60 minutes in TouchDesigner. We caught up with him to talk about how it felt to win the challenge, how […]

Dan Kenny (2BaysProductions) Leap Motion Interactive & Immersive Championship TouchDesigner Project

From the artist: This is a polished up version of my entry in the first challenge of the Interactive & Immersive HQ Championship. The prompt of game-ifying a sensor, with the example of Pong for 2020, made me think immediately of those old wooden box games, 2-axis tilt where you turn the knobs on the […]

Dom Davis (Psychojelly) – Leap Motion – Interactive & Immersive Championship TouchDesigner Project

This project was created as part of The Interactive & Immersive Championship. From the artist: When given the prompt to make a game out of interactive hardware, participant Dom Davis of Psychojelly chose to use the leap motion, a hand tracking device, to make a “choose your own adventure” video player. In this breakdown, he […]

Simone Murtas (AM Artist) Interactive & Immersive Championship TouchDesigner Project

This project was created as part of The Interactive & Immersive Championship. From the artist: SprayCan is a little game where the player tries to paint a virtual wall with a spray can. The idea was to involve the player with something very simple, but cheerful, with many colors and a “touch of magic”. The […]

The Championship TouchDesigner INTERACTIVITY CHALLENGE Highlights!

Don’t miss DAY 2 of The Interactive & Immersive Championship LIVE on July 25th at 12pm ET – watch here: Judged by none other than Derivative Founder Greg Hermanovic, the Interactivity Challenge sees competitors race against the clock to create the most impressive TouchDesigner work of art possible while using a sensor (i.e. Microsoft […]

Interview with Ginger Leigh, TouchDesigner Pro and Winner of The Championship Integration Challenge

Watch Round 2 of The Interactive & Immersive Championship – the only live eSports event for TouchDesigner professionals – on July 25th at 12:00 PM Eastern Time here (you can also catch a replay of round 1!): The Interactive & Immersive Championship has been amazing. We’ve seen competitors pull out all the stops and […]

Matthew and Elburz talk TouchDesigner and The Interactive & Immersive Championship

Watch The Interactive & Immersive Championship – the only live eSports event for TouchDesigner professionals – on July 11th and 25th at 12:00 PM Eastern Time here: After nearly a decade in the business, Matthew and Elburz talk about their experiences and how they relate to the upcoming Interactive & Immersive Championship. They talk […]

Experiment 003 – Touchdesigner – ParticleMan

Development file available here: ======================================= Overview: ======================================= In this week experiment we are looking at more instancing, geometry and new depth of field, animation and generative content. Taking inspiration from the amazing Dope on Wax by Logicoma (a 64kb PC Demo) Can we recreate the face section using native Touch implementation? How can […]

Text & Physics with Touchdesigner

In this video/teaser we’ll give you an introduction of our recently developed ‘Text & Physics’ tool in Touchdesigner. We’re currently working on a free tutorial which covers some key elements and techniques for working with text and physics. The tool itself is an exclusive beta release at our Patreon and will be updated frequently. Please […]

Touching Sound: Building Interactive Music Installations – Dave & Gabe

Talk: Touching Sound – Building Interactive Music Installations In a continued effort to collapse the gap between sonic, tactile, and visual systems, in this talk Dave & Gabe will present their approach to developing musical structures and environments. With a focus on leveraging a variety of sensor inputs, the presenters will show how TouchDesigner is […]

Application of Kinetic Installation and Laser Control System in China – Ruokun Chen & Jimmz Zhang

Talk: Application of Kinetic Installation and Laser Control System in China Application of Kinetic Installation and Laser Control System in China In this talk, Ruokun Chen and Jimmz Zhang will describe the technical development of various commercial projects using TouchDesigner, including kinetic installations and a laser control system. The first project that will be addressed […]

Philosophical Tools: Frame Buffer

Philosophical Tools is a tutorial series that focuses on toolmaking, media art, and the histories/philosophies that entangle them. My goal is to weave these elements together while I share with you how to create the processes in the node-based programming environment TouchDesigner. This week details how to make a simple Frame Buffer.

[TouchDesigner – Rubberduck] TouchCast #1 Stephen Bondly ArTe

Stephen Bondly is one of the driving forces behind alot of the functionality of the TauCeti preset engine. In this first episode of the Rubberduck Touchcast, a more technical format with at least two people ping ponging nonsens, we will take a look at Stephens integration of Unreal and TouchDesigner making use of the TauCeti […]

Top Players (Quarantined) – Episode 06 – Elburz Sorkhabi

If you liked this video, please support me on Patreon. Thank you! COMPLETE RECORDING AND RESOURCES LINKS HERE: 0:00 – Intro 2:00 – Credits for Top Players 3:30 – Music and past career 7:40 – Mind of a champion 14:00 – Discipline and will power 19:30 – Separate the work from you life […]