
Single Source of Truth in TouchDesigner

Learn about the idea of a single source of truth from software development and several ways to apply it to keep your TouchDesigner projects clean and maintainable. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/tekt 0:00 Intro 0:42 Truth by Coincidence 2:55 Web of Truth 4:18 Local Truth 6:17 External Truth 8:00 Enhanced External Truth 9:43 Summary 10:16 Outro

RayTK Scene: Segmented Ring Tutorial

Create a scene with a segmented ring with radial wave patterns. Toolkit download: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases Reach out on: https://patreon.com/tekt https://instagram.com/t3kt https://facebook.com/int3kt http://td-discord.com/ (Use the #raytk channel) 0:00 Intro 0:48 Render Setup 1:47 Sliced Torus 3:31 Radial Repetition 4:40 Twist Wave 6:22 Ridges 10:45 Thickness Variation 12:40 Material 14:44 Tunnel Merge 17:52 Animation 19:27 Render Quality 21:23 […]

Cellular Noise Scene in TouchDesigner

Create twisting patterns in TouchDesigner using cellular noise, displacement, and a feedback loop. Reach out on: https://patreon.com/tekt https://instagram.com/t3kt https://facebook.com/int3kt http://td-discord.com/ (Use the #raytk channel)

RayTK Tutorial: Compositing With Render TOPs

Learn how to combine traditional rendering with RayTK scenes using depth compositing. Download the toolkit: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases Reach out on: https://instagram.com/t3kt https://facebook.com/int3kt http://td-discord.com/ (Use the #raytk channel) 0:00 Intro 0:35 Initial SDF and Render Setup 2:19 SOP Geometry 5:44 Camera and Geo Renderer 8:47 Light 11:09 Compositing 12:09 Summary 13:08 Outro

RayTK Tutorial: Reflection & Backgrounds

This tutorial covers using reflective materials in a RayTK scene with background light maps and an atmosphere/sunset simulation. Download the toolkit (version 0.15 or newer) at https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases. Download a completed project file: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/raw/master/examples/tutorial-reflection-v2a.toe The atmosphereField is based on https://github.com/wwwtyro/glsl-atmosphere. Sections: 0:00 Intro 0:11 Setup 0:31 Main SDF 2:25 Camera 2:59 Material 4:03 Reflection requirements 4:52 […]

RayTK Tutorial: Making waves with field operators

This tutorial covers field operators in RayTK scenes. They allow you to control the behavior of other operators and create variations over space. Download the toolkit (version 0.14 or newer) at https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases. Project file: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/raw/master/examples/tutorial-fields-1-v3-final.toe Sections: 0:00 Intro 1:02 Scene setup 2:24 Camera 4:44 Creating a field 5:25 Visualizing the field 9:18 waveField 11:58 Float […]

RayTK Tutorial: Volumetric Sampling

This tutorial covers using RayTK scenes to sample voxels in space for geometry instancing. This technique can also be used for things like LED pixel mapping. Download the toolkit: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases Completed project file: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/raw/master/examples/tutorial-pointMap-v2-final.toe Raymarching theory: https://adrianb.io/2016/10/01/raymarching.html

RayTK Tutorial: Twisted Grid Scene

This tutorials walks through the process of creating a scene with an infinite twisted 3D grid. Download the toolkit (version 0.13 or newer) at https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases. Project file: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/raw/master/examples/tutorial-grid-v2.toe

RayTK Tutorial: Materials

This tutorial covers the new materials in RayTK v0.13, including the new modular material system that lets you build your own materials by combining shading elements. Make sure you are using v0.13 or later. Downloads: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases

RayTK Tutorial: 2D to 3D shapes

This tutorial shows how to use RayTK operators like extrude and revolved to create 3D scenes based on 3D patterns. Download the toolkit: http://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases/

RayTK Tutorial: 2D to 3D shapes

This tutorial shows how to use RayTK operators like extrude and revolved to create 3D scenes based on 3D patterns. Download the toolkit: http://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases/

RayTK Tutorial: Iteration

Learn how to user iteration to vary copies of shapes in RayTK! Download the toolkit: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases/tag/build-0.12

RayTK Surface Texturing Tutorial

Surface texturing using RayTK v0.12! Download the toolkit at: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases​ more info: https://t3kt.github.io/raytk/

RayTK Iterated Transform Scene

This tutorial goes through creating a scene in RayTK using iterated transform, value fields, materials, and more! Download the library at: http://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases/

RayTK Tutorial 6: The Inspector

This tutorial shows how to use the inspector to examine operators in a scene using the RayTK toolkit. RayTK is a toolkit for creating raymarching scenes in TouchDesigner without having to write any GLSL code. Downloads: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases

RayTK Tutorial 5: Depth and Normals

This tutorial shows how to use output buffers to access rendering data from a scene using the RayTK toolkit and use it for post-processing. RayTK is a toolkit for creating raymarching scenes in TouchDesigner without having to write any GLSL code. Downloads: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases

RayTK Tutorial 4: Filters Part 2

This tutorial shows how to use filters to modify shapes and create fractals in a scene using the RayTK toolkit. RayTK is a toolkit for creating raymarching scenes in TouchDesigner without having to write any GLSL code. Downloads: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases

RayTK Tutorial 3: Filters Part 1

This tutorial shows how to use filters to transform shapes in a scene using the RayTK toolkit. RayTK is a toolkit for creating raymarching scenes in TouchDesigner without having to write any GLSL code. Downloads: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases

RayTK Tutorial 2: SDFs and Combiners

This tutorial shows how to add and combine SDF shapes in a scene using the RayTK toolkit. RayTK is a toolkit for creating raymarching scenes in TouchDesigner without having to write any GLSL code. Downloads: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases

RayTK Tutorial 1: Setup and Basics

This tutorial shows how to download the RayTK toolkit and set up a basic scene. RayTK is a toolkit for creating raymarching scenes in TouchDesigner without having to write any GLSL code. Downloads: https://github.com/t3kt/raytk/releases