Philosophical Tools

TouchDesigner for Video Artists Part 11 | Oscillographics + Performative Keyframes DATs

Many experimental media artists have explored oscillogrpahics in their practice and research. I start this tutorial by looking at Mary Ellen Bute’s work in the 1950s, she is a experimental animation pioneer who’s work Abstronic utilized an oscilloscope. You can watch the piece on Light Cone’s site. Other prevalent and contemporary artist worth exploring in the […]

TouchDesigner for Video Artists | Part Ten: Mult-Channel Layout TOP

Short tutorial going over how to use they Layout TOP and Cache TOPs to create multi-channel drifting.

TouchDesigner for Video Artists | Part Nine: Video Scrubber

Short tutorial going over how to use the mouse as a controller for real-time video scrubbing.

TouchDesigner for Video Artists | Part Nine: Video Scrubber

Short tutorial going over how to use the mouse as a controller for real-time video scrubbing.


Tutorial covers how to build horizontal and vertical distortions via the displace TOP and other displacements via the time machine and time displacement maps.

TouchDesigner For Video Artists | Part Five: Randomness + Database Narrative

Touch Designer tutorial going over simple ways to introduce randomness to parameters as well using it to create a database narrative.

TouchDesigner for Video Artists | Part Four: Creating Your Own Tools

This tutorial goes over how to build your own modular components with custom menus, which saves time for future use, keeps things organized, and is more accessible for others to utilize.

TouchDesigner for Video Artists: Part Three Adding Performative Controls

Introduction tutorial to creating performative controls via CHOPs. This covers mouse in, Math OP for scaling data, amplitude tracking, and compositing/blend modes.

Philosophical Tools: Slit-Scan

Philosophical Tools is a tutorial series that focuses on toolmaking, media art, and the histories/philosophies that entangle them. My goal is to weave these elements together while I share with you how to create the processes in the node-based programming environment TouchDesigner. This episode introduces historical slit-scan photography and video works from Ralph Hocking and […]

Philosophical Tools: Frame Buffer

Philosophical Tools is a tutorial series that focuses on toolmaking, media art, and the histories/philosophies that entangle them. My goal is to weave these elements together while I share with you how to create the processes in the node-based programming environment TouchDesigner. This week details how to make a simple Frame Buffer.