Josef Pelz

T3D 1.10 | Refractive Materials in TouchDesigner

In this video you learn how to render glass-like materials in TouchDesigner in realtime using T3Ds. The newest version of the toolkit, version 1.10 has an updated surfaceT3D that allows you to define refractive material parameters. Together with material maps which can manipulate materials locally, you can create all new aesthetics in TouchDesigner! 00:00 Installing […]

Interactive real-time Fluid's in TouchDesigner using T3D

In this video you see how to use either the Leap Motion sensor or the Media Pipe plugin to create an interactive fluid simulation in TouchDesigner using T3D. Additionally, we advect a point cloud with the fluid velocity. T3D and Project File: Media Pipe Plugin: 00:00 Intro 05:00 Setup 09:42 Moving Things with […]

Volumetric Raymarching in TouchDesigner Explained

In this video I go over how to render a Texture 3D / T3D as a density field to archive volumetric, cloud or foggy outputs. Great article on volumetric rendering: 00:00 Intro 01:43 Explaining the Approach 05:32 The Simple Case 10:37 The General Case 23:40 Using Colors 25:21 Outro

T3D Introduction | 3D Texture operators in TouchDesigner

In this video I introduce T3D, an new TouchDesigner operator family I developed. It enables everyone who’s familiar with TOPs to work with 3D Textures in a familiar workflow. I go through the installation process and show a little example project. You’ll find the T3D Toolkit and the project file on my Patreon: