
Kinect Driven Particles with TouchDesigner (using particlesGPU) – TouchDesigner Tutorial 194

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial Utilize the particlesGPU component from the palette with a Kinect input, to create visually appealing and interactive particle systems. In this tutorial, you’ll set up […]

touchdesigner | blob tracking and chiyonofuji

Blob tracking effect with TouchDesigner and the legendary Japanese sumo wrestler Chiyonofuji. #touchdesigner #ai #digitalart

Body Tracking Orb in TouchDesigner

Crystal shows you how to make a TouchDesigner body tracking orb that follows your movement 💻🧍 #interactiveimmersivehq #touchdesigner #interactivetechnology

Touchdesigner final class(kr)

터치디자이너 마지막 수업 (총정리) Instagram : vspace00 You can download Touchdesigner file from this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EIF_0hWbI6j85CdKLWxtcaQa2LuSXGih/view?usp=sharing

touchdesigner | glitchy noise 2

glitchy noise 2 #touchdesigner #ai #digitalart

StreamDiffusion & TouchDesigner: Magic Mirror Effect

How to create a really fun Magic Mirror effect using StreamDiffusion and TouchDesigner 💻🪞 #interactiveimmersivehq #touchdesigner #streamdiffusion

東京 潮見龍宮社 #プロジェクションマッピング #touchdesigner#インタラクティブアート

東京の潮見龍宮社でカメラに反応する映像 インタラクティブアートを導入しました。 こちらの龍宮社は地下にあり参拝する通りに雲海がでてくるなどエンタメにも力を入れています。 インタラクティブは現在イベント予約された方限定との事ですので(2025/02/07時点)詳しくはこちらのHPでお問い合わせしてください。 東京 潮見龍宮社 https://shiomi-ryugusha.jp/omamori 今回の導入は試験的な導入でお客さんの反応がよければどんどんバージョンアップしていく予定です。 よろしくお願いしますー! ——————————– ぎまパパチャンネル[プロジェクションマッピング/Scratch/TouchDesingnerの使い方/VJ] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCes28LH1ggowLvNBa_sR5Sw 映像クリエイターギマヒロシゲHP STORY WORKS/あなたのストーリを形に FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/hiroshige.gima Twitter Tweets by gimapapa Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hiroshige.gima/

TouchDesigner Light Painting using Trace SOP

Create an interactive light painting in TouchDesigner 💻💡 #interactiveimmersivehq #touchdesigner #tutorial

Mastering Blob Tracking in TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 193

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial Scott Mann provides an in-depth look at blob tracking in TouchDesigner, drawing from a recent installation where he utilized the Blob Track TOP to create […]

Yayoi Kusama-Inspired Generative Art in TouchDesigner

Create generative art in TouchDesigner inspired by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama 💻 #interactiveimmersivehq #touchdesigner #yayoikusama #generativeart

touchdesigner | interactive art

touchdesignerでinteractive artを作ってみました #touchdesigner #interactiveart

Cyberpunk 2077-Inspired Point Clouds in TouchDesigner

Cyberpunk 2077-Inspired point clouds in TouchDesigner 💻 #interactiveimmersivehq #touchdesigner #pointclouds #cyberpunk2077

touchdesigner | glitchy noise

title: glitchy noise #touchdesigner

GLSL Snippets: Voronoi Effect in TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 192

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial Get the project files here: https://interactiveimmersive.ac-page.com/glsl-voronoi-effect-touchdesigner The third video in our series of bite-sized GLSL techniques, this tutorial will guide you through creating a classic […]

Meta AI LOGO animation – TOUCHDESIGNER Beginners Tutorial

Learn how to create a stunning Meta AI logo animation in TouchDesigner! This step-by-step tutorial covers everything you need to know to bring this sleek, dynamic design to life. Perfect for beginners and pros alike! SEO: Discover the mesmerizing world of generative art with my latest TouchDesigner project file! Whether you’re a beginner in digital […]

hand tracking in touchdesigner

i’ve started using touchdesigner. #touchdesigner

Glitch Spider Particle system – TOUCHDESIGNER Tutorial

This tutorial walks you through the process of designing dynamic, glitchy visuals by combining 3D modeling, particle techniques, and creative rendering. Perfect for enhancing your generative art skills and exploring unique animation styles. Check it out and take your TouchDesigner projects to the next level!” SEO: Discover the mesmerizing world of generative art with my […]

Pangolin CHOP Lasers in TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 191

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial Do you want to understand the process for using lasers in TouchDesigner? In this video, Crystal, will show how you can use the Pangolin CHOP […]

TouchDesignerができるようになりたい! No.1

ぎまパパチャンネルさんの 「TouchDesigner[日本語]カメラを使ったインタラクティブアートの作り方」をみながら、TouchDesignerの練習をしてみました。 こんなコンテンツがこれだけの操作できるのは、本当にすごいですね。 引き続き、TouchDesignerマスターになれるよう修行に励みます!

Creating a VJ Tool with TouchDesigner

“From creating a VJ tool with TouchDesigner to the final video… From start to finish… I was on the edge of my seat.”

Patreon Special : Bright Line SOPs – TOUCHDESIGNER

touchdesigner particles touchdesigner visuals creative coding audio reactive touchdesigner audio reactive particle cloud audio reactive video playhead audio reactive visuals audio reactive touchdesigner tutorial audio reactive particles touchdesigner audio reactive video audio reactive pseudo-data-graph displacement touchdesigner showreel touchdesigner visuals touchdesigner beginner touchdesigner interactive touchdesigner noise touchdesigner noise feedback touchdesigner noise sculpting touchdesigner noise sphere touchdesigner […]

Cubism – Touchdesigner

Download Available – https://www.patreon.com/roguesamo Touchdesigner Download Project file Support art patreon ! https://www.samorogue.com/ @roguesamo – Instagram #3danimation #touchdesigner #artvideos #media #glitch #effects #freefire #3danimation #adobe

TouchDesigner & ComfyUI: Magic AI Photobooth – TouchDesigner Tutorial 190

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial ComfyUI is a free, node-based interface for Stable Diffusion that empowers users to create sophisticated custom image-generation workflows. In this video, Scott Mann showcases how […]

Shyoushimge 中盤 宇宙バージョン #南無阿弥陀仏 #TouchDesigner #サイバー南無南無 #cybernamunamu #music #shorts

2024年2月に行われた、Hyper Geekで公開した映像を再編集したものです。 仏教の世界観の大きさを様々なオープンデータを利用して再現しました。 This is a re-edited version of the video originally presented at Hyper Geek in February 2023. We used various open data sources to recreate the vast and profound worldview of Buddhism. サイバー南無南無は仏教美術とテクノロジーアートを融合させるクリエイターグループです。 本映像は8K FPS120で制作した高解像度映像です。 これまでXR、3D都市モデル、超高解像度映像、SNS、ブロックチェーン、バイタルサインなど、先端技術や文化と融合した作品を発表してきました。 2025年からはウェルビーイングコンテンツを通じて、より多くの方々の心の支えになれるよう挑戦を続けています。 ぜひチャンネル登録をして、私たちの様々な作品をお楽しみください! cyberNamunamu is a creative group dedicated to blending Buddhist art with technology art. This video […]

Dynamic Bouncing Mountains – TOUCHDESIGNER Beginners Tutorial

Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/pifracdev YouTube : https://youtube.com/@pi-frac-dev?si=XUoNvM8G70rCxnQg Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pi.frac.dev X : https://twitter.com/PiFracDEV Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/u/PiFrac-DEV/s/Z4ouyBtKIe ~ Touchdesigner version 2023.10000 . . In this tutorial I made a simple network which creates bouncing mountains with instancing with a little touch of feedback it gives a stunning visual output, this tutorial is very beginner friendly . . […]

Future of Tradition  #南無阿弥陀仏 #TouchDesigner #サイバー南無南無 #cybernamunamu #music #shorts

@yukikawamura0821 さんとのコラボ曲です。 サイバー南無南無は仏教美術とテクノロジーアートを融合させるクリエイターグループです。 本映像は都市3Dモデルとオーディオビジュアルを組み合わせた実験的な映像です。 これまでXR、3D都市モデル、超高解像度映像、SNS、ブロックチェーン、バイタルサインなど、先端技術や文化と融合した作品を発表してきました。 2025年からはウェルビーイングコンテンツを通じて、より多くの方々の心の支えになれるよう挑戦を続けています。 ぜひチャンネル登録をして、私たちの様々な作品をお楽しみください! cyberNamunamu is a creative group dedicated to blending Buddhist art with technology art. This video is an experimental work that combines urban 3D models with music and visual effects to explore new forms of expression. We have explored various integrations, including XR, 3D city models, ultra-high-resolution visuals, social […]

good fellows #shorts #南無阿弥陀仏 #TouchDesigner #サイバー南無南無

@yukikawamura0821 さんとのコラボ曲です。 サイバー南無南無は仏教美術とテクノロジーアートを融合させるクリエイターグループです。 本映像は都市3Dモデルとオーディオビジュアルを組み合わせた実験的な映像です。 これまでXR、3D都市モデル、超高解像度映像、SNS、ブロックチェーン、バイタルサインなど、先端技術や文化と融合した作品を発表してきました。 2025年からはウェルビーイングコンテンツを通じて、より多くの方々の心の支えになれるよう挑戦を続けています。 ぜひチャンネル登録をして、私たちの様々な作品をお楽しみください! cyberNamunamu is a creative group dedicated to blending Buddhist art with technology art. This video is an experimental work that combines urban 3D models with music and visual effects to explore new forms of expression. We have explored various integrations, including XR, 3D city models, ultra-high-resolution visuals, social […]

GLSL Snippets: Quantization in TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 189

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial Continuing our series of bite-sized GLSL techniques in TouchDesigner, this video will teach you how to create aspect-correct pixelation patterns via quantization. While creating the […]

Orbbec vs Kinect with TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 188

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial In this tutorial, we compare the Orbbec Femto Bolt and the Microsoft Kinect Azure, two powerful depth cameras, to uncover their strengths and differences when […]

RGB Dark noise clouds – TOUCHDESIGNER

Dive into the world of generative art with my latest TouchDesigner project file! This project is designed to inspire and empower creators, whether you’re just starting out or an experienced digital artist. Explore stunning visuals, innovative techniques, and endless creative possibilities—all crafted with TouchDesigner. 🎨 Download the project file and start experimenting today! Perfect for […]

Magic Mirror Effect: Working with StreamDiffusion in TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial Scott Mann teaches you how to use StreamDiffusion with TouchDesigner to build an interactive magic mirror! See your movements mirrored and transformed into AI-generated visuals […]

Dynamic Text Mapping on SOPs – TOUCHDESIGNER

You can download this project file and many more from link below. https://www.patreon.com/c/pifracdev/shop Become a member to Access All Project Files +Tutorials : https://www.patreon.com/c/pifracdev/membership Dive into the world of generative art with my latest TouchDesigner project file! This project is designed to inspire and empower creators, whether you’re just starting out or an experienced digital […]

Ring Square particle instances – TOUCHDESIGNER Project File

You can download this project file and many more from link below. https://www.patreon.com/c/pifracdev/shop Become a member to Access All Project Files +Tutorials : https://www.patreon.com/c/pifracdev/membership Dive into the world of generative art with my latest TouchDesigner project file! This project is designed to inspire and empower creators, whether you’re just starting out or an experienced digital […]

항해 #터치디자이너 #touchdesigner #공연영상

곧 다가오는 12월 공연을 위해 테스트해 본 영상입니다.

Generative Art with TouchDesigner: Feedback – TouchDesigner Tutorial 186

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: http://iihq.tv/Trial Get the project files here: https://interactiveimmersive.ac-page.com/generative-art-touchdesigner-feedback Using feedback loops often leads to unexpected results, and therefore they’re perfect for creating generative art systems in TouchDesigner. […]

Touchdesigner video

Using Touchdesigner primarily to create interactive videos to enhance the experience.