Dan Tapper

Flow Field in TOPs – TouchDesigner Tutorial

Super simple and fun network to make a flow field from TOPs + feedback

TouchDesigner – Key commands and workflow tricks

Some of my favourite TouchDesigner key commands and workflow tricks. Key commands list from Matthew Ragan here: https://matthewragan.com/teaching-resources/touchdesigner/touchdesigner-keyboard-shortcuts/ Post your favourite key commands and workflow tricks in the comments!

GLSL video mixer – TouchDesigner tutorial

Tutorial on how to use GLSL multi to mix between video inputs.

TouchDesigner – Adding a background

Short tutorial showing multiple ways of adding solid backgrounds in TouchDesigner. Part of DT TD Bitesize, a series of short tutorials that simply go over specific elements and processes in TouchDesigner.

Audioreactive Fluid, T3D TouchDesigner

Audioreactive experiments with T3D fluid in TouchDesigner. Smoky and diffuse. Music by Moonwalk

Gaussian splat, TouchDesigner for Mac

A short demo of a modified version of Tim Gerritsen’s Gaussian splat component for Mac. Download the component here: https://github.com/atarilover123/GaussianSplat_TD