Touchdesigner project: Photogrammetry scans of dying trees modulated by climate change data

This piece is called OVERTHROWN, and it combines scans of dead and dying trees I photographed with a drone in Galway, Ireland before rendering as 3D point clouds.

300 years of rainfall data indicating evidence of climate change is actvated by onlookers when they trigger a motion sensor (a Doepfer CV Theremin fed into an ES-9 and VCV Rack 2).

Thoundands of lines of data are used to modulate the lighting and other parameters to glitch and destroy the image. In person, triggering the motion sensor also activates the webcam and includes the viewer into the piece. I haven’t included that here as it’s more of a live element, but you can see it in action on the demo video on my channel.

I showcased this piece as part of an exhibition with Galway’s West End Art Collective.

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