Pangolin CHOP Lasers in TouchDesigner – TouchDesigner Tutorial 191

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: Do you want to understand the process for using lasers in TouchDesigner? In this video, Crystal, will show how you can use the Pangolin CHOP […]

TouchDesigner meetup, October – Lasers / Ana Herruzo, Daniel Dalfovo & Tyrell Studio

This meetup took place in October on theme of Lasers. 1. Tyrell Studio – Laser installation at Tyrell and Ponk (Path over network) At the intersection of art, design, science and technology Tyrell is a multidisciplinary design studio that recently opened its doors in Brussels. 2. Ana Herruzo – Captured Atmospheres Ana Herruzo has more […]

All things light | video + laser mapping in TouchDesigner

mapping generative visual content to laser projection

VJ Showfile in TouchDesigner – Mapping LASER and Video | Progress Update

MIDI joystick feedback control and mapping laser with video projection. song used in video:

[TUTO] How to use Laser Cube WiFi & Ethernet LAN with TouchDesigner

Hi, this tutorial is here to show you how to use the latest Laser Cube with TouchDesigner connected via WiFi or Ethernet! – This is a custom script that allows you to control as many latest Laser Cubes as you want! . DOWNLOAD : . . Insta : FB : ॐ

Laser Curtain in TouchDesigner with LaserCube


TouchDesigner and Lasers – Part III – Multiple Lasers

This video is part of a 3 Video Tutorial on how to create shapes and colour them, using the TouchDesigner and its new Laser CHOP and later using the AVB protocol to send the data to multiple Lasers. Part III of this tutorial is specifically on how to connect to multiple lasers, and how to […]

TouchDesigner and Lasers – Part II – The Laser CHOP

This video is part of a 3 Video Tutorial on how to create shapes and colour them, using the TouchDesigner and its new Laser CHOP and later using the AVB protocol to send the data to multiple Lasers. Part 2 of this tutorial is dealing in more detail with the Laser CHOP. The essential CHOP […]

TouchDesigner and Lasers – Part I – General Setup

This video is part of a 3 Video Tutorial on how to create shapes and colour them, using the TouchDesigner and its new Laser CHOP and later using the AVB protocol to send the data to multiple Lasers. Part I of this tutorial covers the general setup, i.e. which Software you need, which drivers, and […]

How to Use TouchDesigner with LaserCube 2w

Link to repository of TouchDesigner:

Keeping In Touch 06 – Matching Lasers to Projection Part 2

download the project file here:

Keeping In Touch 06 – Matching Lasers to Projection Part 1

You can download the final project file here

Introduction + Laser & Visual Integration – Motoi Shimizu | BACKSPACE Behind The Scenes 2019

0:00 Introduction 5:30 Mandalay – Laser + Visual Integration 101 清水 基(BACKSPACE Productions Inc.) 映像とレーザーを同期させる自作のシステムを Mandalay と呼んでいます。 Mandalay使用事例や制作方法、経緯やコンセプト、及び他者とのコラボレーションについて紹介します。また、自室での小さなテストからアリーナクラスの大きな会場までスケールさせた道のりを、実際に使用したソースコードやTouchDesignerファイルと併せて解説します。 ## 参加者全員用のメモ–AyHpYx3vxSQImB2vPJgYBZq4Ag-m2KcMPB2iFddohTx9i1W4 — ## BACKSPACE Behind The Scenes イベント内容 プログラミングの高度なスキルを持ちながら、多様かつ特殊な方面の技術を組み合わせた表現を得意とする BACKSPACE Productions Inc. から清水基・比嘉了の2名が近年取り組んでいるプロジェクトや研究開発の裏側を紹介し、実際に手を動かしながら内容を短時間で体験して頂けるような解説を行います。 またSEP, inc. より、ディレクター / CG ディレクター / CG デザイナーとしての活動を通しTVCM・TVドラマのタイトルバックデザイン、企業CIなどのあらゆる映像を手掛ける笠原裕美子さんをゲストに迎え、映像制作の裏側をレクチャーして頂きます。 本イベントは技術的なトピックを扱う為、主にプログラマーの方を対象としています。 映像表現の為のツールから制作をするプログラマー目線と、映像業界の最前線で活躍するCGディレクター目線、2つの方向からの話題を通し、同業の方への情報提供 及び 業界の実力の底上げを目的としています。 詳細: ## 日時 2019-12-20 6pm – 10pm 参加費無料 […]