This is an introduction to Channel Operators (Chops) in TouchDesigner. This video explains how they work in general and how to export channels to drive parameters of other operators and how to manipulate values.
The Text TOP can be used to display text in a font that is installed on your computer, or load one from a folder. You can apply some basic styling like alignment, line spacing and colour.
The Flip TOP can be used to mirror images. By animating the incoming image you can create interesting shapes.
The ramp TOP can be used to create different types of gradients. This video shows how to do this and also how to use expressions to animate them.
The Transform TOP can be used to move images around and to change the pivot to rotate and scale things from one specific point. It can also be used to create patterns.
The Composite TOP takes the image data of its inputs to create a new image. It can be used to layer things, create masks and to achieve different blending modes.
This video explains how to use the Noise TOP to create organic shapes with alpha values. It also shows how to transform the noise in space.
23日目の回のおまけで、使っていたエフェクトを作成します。 今回は円と直線で六角形を描き、周波数スペクトルに合わせて動かします。 Instance機能とReplicatorOPでモデルを複製します。 Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。 作成したエフェクト Here is extra topic of the 23th movie, where I made the effects used in the main movie. This one arranges circles on six lines, and moves the lines in the shape of the frequency spectrum. ※Caution: a TouchDesigner beginner is making this movie, […]
This video is about the Circle TOP. It shows how to create outlines, half circles, lines that depend on an angle and how to create polygonal shapes.
This is an introduction to texture operators (short TOPs) in TouchDesigner. Here I cover how to insert them and distinguish between image generating and image manipulating TOPs. I also explain how to set the resolution of an image.
The Rectangle Top is a very basic operator that is used to create filled shapes with outlines and rounded corners, but also to create thin lines.
This is the first Video of a Series where I will cover how to create minimalistic animations in TouchDesigner.
Just quick touchdesigner example how to generate keys for RAMP node from noise. And some more effects like calculating average color of all image or noisy moving cam. many of this is taken from Matthew Ragan and his ‘Make it with Data’ videos’. Look here for source
Just quick (and maybe not so obvious) touchdesigner example how to use stamp feature in COPY SOP node. It allows you to use data (such as point number) from the Template object in COPY NODE and use it ‘upper’ in the chain of nodes coming in the first input of that COPY SOP..
Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら プロジェクターで投影して遊ぶ素材を映像編集ソフトで作ってます。 ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。 23日目の回のおまけで、使っていたエフェクトを作成します。 今回は周波数スペクトルの形に並んで動く四角形のエフェクトです。 StretchOPでデータ数を調整して、インスタンスで複製します。 作成したエフェクト ※Caution: a TouchDesigner beginner is making this movie, so there can be a lot of mistakes or misunderstandings. Please refer at your own risk. Here is extra topic of the 23th movie, where I make the effects used in the main movie. This […]
23日目の回のおまけで、使っていたエフェクトを作成します。 今回は音の大きさの変化に合わせて、波紋のように模様が広がるエフェクトです。 EvaluateOPとRampOPを使います。 作成したエフェクト ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。 ※Caution: a TouchDesigner beginner is making this movie, so there can be a lot of mistakes or misunderstandings. Please refer at your own risk. Here is extra topic of the 23th movie, where I make the effects used in the main movie. This one is a ripple effect that […]
YoutubeなどのPCからの音を直接TouchDesignerで拾います。 動画内で使っているエフェクトのTDファイルは下記からダウンロード頂けます。 TouchDesignerでPCの音を直接拾いたいときに、AudioDeviceOPを使っても、そのままでは拾う事ができない場合があります。 そこで、バーチャルオーディオデバイスとしてVoiceMeeterというフリーソフトをダウンロードして、PCからの音をデバイスとして認識させてみたいと思います。 これでPCで流しているYoutubeなどの音を直接TouchDesignerで拾う事ができるようになります。 ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。 文化祭などのイベントごとで、音楽に合わせて動く映像を流したいという時に、Youtubeなどの音源から直接拾えれば便利かと思います。 よろしければぜひお試しください。 使用したオリジナルエフェクト 追っておまけ動画でこちらの作成の様子もご紹介したいと思います。 There may be chances that you want to pick up music from PC’s sound directly. But AudioDeviceOP don’t pick up PC’s sound without no operation. This time, I use a free soft called “VoiceMeeter” as a virtual audio device. With that soft, you […]
In this short tutorial i show you how to create a simple cliplauncher for VJing without scripting with the help of some Exports, replicators and some python expressions. There are some smaller tweaks to increase performance and I might cover them later.
Additional Files – For everyone who wants to get a fast track start on working with TouchDesigner, this workshop will provide a good basis to gain an initial understanding on workflow, concepts and techniques while equipping attendees with the knowledge to start creating interactive / generative setups. This workshop was recorded at TouchDesigner Summit […]
別のPCにつなげたArduinoのセンサーから信号をWifiを通じて引っ張ってくる作業をします。 Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら プロジェクターで投影して遊ぶ素材を映像編集ソフトで作ってます。 ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。
動画参考: VIDEO BY EUGENE BRYOHIN LODEWIJK VAN EEKHOUT. RICARDO MANTILLA. ROBERT MARSHALL 今回Hristo Velev様の作品を参考にさせて頂いてます 【Kaleidoscope jellyfish TouchDesigner tutorial】 【Hristo Velev様チャンネル】 Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら プロジェクターで投影して遊ぶ素材を映像編集ソフトで作ってます。 ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。
動画参考: VIDEO BY EUGENE BRYOHIN LODEWIJK VAN EEKHOUT. RICARDO MANTILLA. ROBERT MARSHALL 今回Hristo Velev様の作品を参考にさせて頂いてます 【Kaleidoscope jellyfish TouchDesigner tutorial】 【Hristo Velev様チャンネル】 Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら プロジェクターで投影して遊ぶ素材を映像編集ソフトで作ってます。 ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。
TouchDesignerをArduinoと連携させるチュートリアルです。FirmataをArduinoに書き込みして信号を拾ってみます。 ※訂正:動画内で光センサーを「フォトダイオード」と申し上げていましたが、 正しくは「フォトレジスタ」の誤りでした。申し訳ございません。 Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。
Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら 23日目の回のおまけで、使っていたエフェクトを作成します。 今回は音の大きさや高さに合わせて、形状と色を変えるエフェクトです。 AnalyzeOPでさまざまな音の分析を活用します。 作成したエフェクト ※Caution: a TouchDesigner beginner is making this movie, so there can be a lot of mistakes or misunderstandings. Please refer at your own risk. Here is extra topic of the 23th movie, where I make the effects used in the main movie. This one is […]
Some of our most popular programs are now available over on the website: ON the back of a client job, this is a tutorial looking at how to build a dynamic content management system based within touchdesigner. This ended up slightly longer than I wanted as a video, but its fairly easy to follow […]
Texture Operators, also known as TOPs, are image operators that provide real-time, GPU-based compositing and image manipulation. All calculations for TOPs are performed on the system’s GPU. TOPs can be used for preparing textures, compositing streams images and movies, building control panel elements, and almost any other image task you might have.
Texture Operators, also known as TOPs, are image operators that provide real-time, GPU-based compositing and image manipulation. All calculations for TOPs are performed on the system’s GPU. TOPs can be used for preparing textures, compositing streams images and movies, building control panel elements, and almost any other image task you might have.
Surface Operators, also known as SOPs, are operators that can generate, import, modify and combine 3D surfaces (also called geometry). The surface types are polygons, curves, NURBS surfaces, metaballs and particles.
The Movie File In TOP loads movies, still images, or a sequence of still images into TOPs. It will read images in .jpg, .gif, .tif, or .bmp format. It will read movies in QuickTime’s .mov format, .mp4, .mpg, .mpeg, .avi, .wmv, .dpx, Cineform and Hap Q formats (including Hap Q with Alpha). It also supports […]
CHOPs, short for CHannel OPerators, are a powerful technology which enables the processing of motion data, audio, on-screen controls, MIDI data, and controls from input devices. A CHOP contains one or more motion curves or “channels”. A CHOP modifies the channels, and then passes the channels on to the next CHOP in the network. CHOPs […]
CHOPs, short for CHannel OPerators, are a powerful technology which enables the processing of motion data, audio, on-screen controls, MIDI data, and controls from input devices. A CHOP contains one or more motion curves or “channels”. A CHOP modifies the channels, and then passes the channels on to the next CHOP in the network. CHOPs […]
Data OPerators (or DATs) are used to hold text data like strings, scripts, and XML. DATs either contain multiple lines of text as in a script, or a table of rows and columns of cells, each containing one string. DATs can be linked together to select, re-arrange and evaluate data and expressions, making DATs a […]
Components (or COMPs) are unique compared to other operator families in that they contain their own networks. To make a new network in your project, create a new Component using the OP Create Menu and selecting from the COMP tab. Then go inside your new component and start building your network. Component networks can contain […]