Arduino & TouchDesigner & Bitwise Math!

A tutorial that extends the previous Arduino/TouchDesigner video. This one uses bitwise math and a couple python tricks to send the state of three sensors/switches to TouchDesigner using a single byte. Some of the references from the video: My interactive binary/decimal web page: The interactive bitwise math webpage:

【Gem Seed】Model conversion effect—Touchdesigner part | TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL (Beginner Friendly)

You can ask me anything about Touchdesigner or get my TD plug-in on my discord Or follow me on: IG: Hope you like it! 【Gem Seed】Touchdesigner Course (Chinese Version) English version coming soon on Udemy!

【Gem Seed】Model conversion effect—Arduino part | TOUCHDESIGNER TUTORIAL (Beginner Friendly)

You can ask me anything about Touchdesigner or get my TD plug-in on my discord Or follow me on: IG: Hope you like it! 【Gem Seed】Touchdesigner Course (Chinese Version) English version coming soon on Udemy!

Tutorial: DMX Stepper Motor Position Control with Arduino and Touchdesigner

In this tutorial, we learn how to build a simple DMX stepper motor controller with an Arduino for position, speed, and acceleration control. Then we build a simple system for controlling it in real-time with Touchdesigner. Parts used: Arduino Uno DFRobot DMX Shield Enttec DMX USB Pro TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver Stepper Motor 12V DC […]

Tutorial: DMX Stepper Motor Speed Control with Touchdesigner and Arduino

In this tutorial, I show you a simple way of creating a DMX stepper motor controller with an Arduino and then controlling it in real-time with Touchdesigner. Parts used: Arduino Uno DFRobot DMX Shield Enttec DMX USB Pro TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver Stepper Motor 12V DC Power Supply ____ 00:00 Intro 00:10 Hardware 01:52 Arduino […]

Effects of Touch – Arduino x Touch Designer Tutorial

Project Description: Visualizing the effects of touch on brain waves and heart rate! This is my first-ever tutorial! In this video, I’ll be walking you through the making of this project, and how I communicated between Arduino and TD. References/ links mentioned in the video: TD Animation reference, Stars by Pao Olea: Sending Data […]

Interfacing Arduino Neopixels with TouchDesigner

Get access to 200+ hours of TouchDesigner video training, a private Facebook group where Elburz Sorkhabi and Matthew Ragan answer all your questions, and twice-monthly group coaching/mastermind calls here: In this video, we’ll create small, interactive candle effects on Arduino and go over an introduction of interfacing TouchDesigner with Arduino over Serial. We’ll begin […]

Make Your Own Turntable Using Arduino and Touchdesigner

Instagram: Facebook: Link to the 3D-printed files: and Link to the Arduino and Touchdesigner codes: Link to my previous video: 3D print of the buddha stormtrooper: Timecodes: 0:00 – Intro 0:35 – Hardware 2:40 – Assembly 3:57 – Touchdesigner 9:25 – Arduino 15:30 – Shoot The Stormtrooper 15:51 […]

Make Your Own Turntable Using Arduino and Touchdesigner

Instagram: Facebook: Link to the 3D-printed files: and Link to the Arduino and Touchdesigner codes: Link to my previous video: 3D print of the buddha stormtrooper: Timecodes: 0:00 – Intro 0:35 – Hardware 2:40 – Assembly 3:57 – Touchdesigner 9:25 – Arduino 15:30 – Shoot The Stormtrooper 15:51 […]

How to transfer Data from TouchDesigner to Arduino Board (beginner friendly)

My personal website: File: code for chopexecute def onOffToOn(channel, sampleIndex, val, prev): op(‘serial1’).send(‘2’,terminator =”) return def whileOn(channel, sampleIndex, val, prev): return def onOnToOff(channel, sampleIndex, val, prev): op(‘serial1’).send(‘3’,terminator =”) return def whileOff(channel, sampleIndex, val, prev): return def onValueChange(channel, sampleIndex, val, prev): return

How To Use TOUCHDESIGNER & ARDUINO Together – Beginner Tutorial

Since I uploaded some of my work to Instagram, Facebook or Youtube, some people asked me for a tutorial on how to connect and to send or receive information using Arduino, in order to create generative and procedural real time graphics in TouchDesigner. Here is a little explanation on how to do it, or at […]


此影片內容為臺藝大實體轉線上工作坊2021/5/26(三)「互動光雕投影工作坊 」課程QA問題與解答節錄,影片為黑碼藝識團隊紀錄剪輯影片,藉此推動TouchDesigner中文化學習數位內容嘗試。 -實體工作坊: 國立臺灣藝術大學高等教育深耕計畫 科技藝術實驗中心 多元學習課程 開課單位:科技藝術實驗中心 課程名稱:互動光雕投影工作坊 Interactive Augmented Mapping Projection Workshop 授課教師:多媒體動畫藝術學系 客座副教授 李家祥 業界教師:詹嘉華、江俊毅、黃國斌 課程期間:2021年3月24日至2021年6月9日 上課地點:臺灣藝術大學二校區 科技藝術實驗劇場 #TouchDesigner #Arduino #photoresistor

Control an Arduino Smart Car with TouchDesigner

This tutorial explains how to create an interface for an Arduino controlled smart car in TouchDesigner. Elegoo Smart Car Kit: Smart Robot Car Kit V3.0 Plus Sources: blog:

Touchdesigner tutorial – control a steppermotor using Arduino

Controlling a Nema 17 steppermotor using a TB6600 driver using Touchdesigner and Arduino. – Touchdesigner and Arduino code: – Explanation of how a stepper motor works: Link to parts: – Stepper motor: – Micro stepper driver: – Power supply: Timecodes: 0:00 – Intro 0:48 – Hardware 2:38 – Working principle […]

Touchdesigner + Arduino + Bare conductive. Custom touchpad. Tutorial. (Сенсорная панель)

scheme: I2C scanner: MPR121 library: TD project:

Week 13 – ASL – Asychronous Lesson- Part 1 – Finish ‘Simon’ Game

Also do Matthew Regan Generative Video Tutorials: Colorful Ghostly wandering wireframe: This one is an Audio Reactive particle effect!

TouchDesigner Week 11 Asynchronous Lesson

Arduino! – LDR (light sensor), Potentiometer (knob), Button (button), and TouchDesigner input

Touchdesigner + Arduino. Firmata. Packet data transmission.


Pixel Mapping with TouchDesigner & Arduino Wsb2812b Addressable LED Strip – TD Tutorial 6

It’s very handy that utilizing Touchdesigner and Arduino as a combination for the rapid prototyping and demonstration of your projects. In this tutorial, Jun Li introduces you the trick to pixel mapping with the Arduino WSB2812b addressable LED light strip in real-time from Touchdesigner to Arduino. Project file:

Touchdesigner | Communication with Arduino, Raspberry Pi

터치디자이너와 라즈베리파이 및 아두이누 기기들과 Serial 또는 OpenOSC등의 프로토콜을 이용해서 커뮤니케이션을 하는 방법에 대해 알아 보도록 하겠습니다. 파이썬과 C언어를 다루니까 관심 있으신 분들은 참여하세요. 그런데, 라이브는 트위치로 하고 유튜브에 올리는 방법도 연구중입니다.

How to get the sensor data from Arduino to TouchDesigner – TD Tutorial 4

In this tutorial, we introduced the basic technique about how to get and clear the sensor data from Arduino to TouchDesigner. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Resources:

Arduino and servo motor with TouchDesigner

This exercise demonstrates the control of a servo motor using TouchDesigner and the Firmata library in Arduino. The TouchDesigner project uses the webcam for motion tracking and the horizontal movement is sent to the servo motor to point towards where the movement is.

Introduction to Arduino and TouchDesigner with LED output

This is the 1st tutorial to connect an Arduino board to TouchDesigner with the standard Firmata library. It will use the audio output to trigger the on/off of an LED light.

TouchDesigner and Touch Board

How to use the Touch Board with TouchDesigner

Arduino and TouchDesigner

How to use the Arduino with TouchDesigner

Receiving Data from Arduino in TouchDesigner

This tutorial follows along with Derivative’s instructions here:

Sending Data from Arduino to TouchDesigner

Follow this tutorial if you’re having trouble getting the Arduino and Touchdesigner to talk to each other. This tutorial follows the instructions provided on Derivative’s wiki:


先日投稿いたしました、触ると映像が切り替わるプロジェクションマッピング作成のまとめです。 前半はこちら Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。 ①まず投影する3Dモデルを作成します。(PC 1内) ②Arduino静電容量センサを作成し、信号を別PC(PC 2)で拾います。 ③信号をPC2からPC 1に無線で飛ばし、それに合わせPC 1内の信号が切り替わるようにします。 ④段ボールに静電容量センサを取り付け、映像を投影し位置合わせします。 今回のarduinoのプログラムは上記ちくわ様のサイトを参考にさせていただきました。 タッチセンサーについて非常に分かりやすくまとめて下さっています。 Arduinoプログラム ぜんぜん映像とかいじった事ないって人も 映像作りたいと思ってる!って人も なんでも気軽にコメント下さい 関係ない話も歓迎です。

18th Arduino連携 静電容量センサ[TouchDesigner]

Arduinoで静電容量センサを作り、TouchDesignerに引っ張る使い方の一例です。 1:04 10:05 Serial通信を直接拾うやり方 ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。 今回のarduinoのプログラムは上記ちくわ様のサイトを参考にさせていただきました。 タッチセンサーについて非常に分かりやすくまとめて下さっています。 こちらに記載のコードの7行目    Serial.begin(9600); をsetup内に(6,7行目の間にでも)    Serial.println(t); をloop内の最後に(35,36行目の間にでも) 書き込めば 今回のコードとなります。 Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら プロジェクターで投影して遊ぶ素材を映像編集ソフトで作ってます。 ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。

14th Arduino連携[TouchDesigner]

TouchDesignerをArduinoと連携させるチュートリアルです。FirmataをArduinoに書き込みして信号を拾ってみます。 ※訂正:動画内で光センサーを「フォトダイオード」と申し上げていましたが、 正しくは「フォトレジスタ」の誤りでした。申し訳ございません。 Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。

14th Arduino連携例[TouchDesigner]

Here is my channel! チャンネルはこちら ※注意:投稿者はTouchDesigner初心者で間違った発言も多数あります。ご参考の際は各自自己責任にてお願いいたします。

Connecting TouchDesigner to Arduino via USB Serial

A simple proof-of-concept for sending/receiving information between TouchDesigner and Arduino via the USB serial port. My first time working with TD! The files I’m using are available here: I made a thing with TouchDesigner