Emil Polyak // Fractal Encounters @ TouchDesigner Philly Meetup 25.03.14
This talk focuses on a few of Polyak’s works investigating the use and occurrence of fractals in generative and interactive work, both Polyak’s and others, through whitepapers, sketches, procedural art, and interactive installation.
About Emil Polyak:
Emil Polyak is an associate professor at the College of Media Arts & Design at Drexel University, where he directs the MS in Digital Media program. With a master’s degree in Cross-Disciplinary Art and Design from the University of New South Wales, his work explores intersections of science, engineering, and art through research-informed design practice. Polyak investigates computational creativity and emerging technologies to reimagine creative practice and storytelling. His work has been exhibited internationally at museums, festivals, and conferences, including ACM SIGGRAPH, the Smithsonian Institution, and numerous art and design museums.
About the event:
On March 14, 2025 we hosted the first ever (that we know of) Philadelphia TouchDesigner meetup! Please enjoy these (slightly rough) recordings from that event, and please subscribe to be notified when we post future recordings from future events.
#touchdesigner #fractals #emilpolyak #drexeluniversity #generativeart #glsl #shaders