Bézier Curves in TouchDesigner
This video looks at creating Bézier curves in TouchDesigner. In it I step through an example file instead of my typical click-along style. It covers the process in SOPs and TOPs via GLSL.
The project file for this tutorial is available on my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Polyhop There you gain access to additional project files, help guide future topics and support the creation of new tutorials.
Project File: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bezier-curves-125020487
In this video I’m using TouchDesigner Version 2023.12230. If you’re using an older or newer version there may be features that don’t work in exactly the same way.
Resources mentioned in the video:
Javascript Bézier Curve Primer: https://javascript.info/bezier-curve
Write a GLSL TOP Derivative Page: https://docs.derivative.ca/Write_a_GLSL_TOP
Atagen Tube Trails Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykpkqmoxRyo
Video Navigation / Topics:
00:00 – Intro
01:02 – Bézier Curve Use in My Installation Work
02:10 – Bézier Curve Basics
04:57 – Creating a Single Bézier Curve in SOPs
07:52 – Control Point Generation
17:19 – Multiple Bézier Curves in SOPs
28:07 – Bézier Curves in TOPs
38:32 – Tube Deformer Vertex Shader
45:33 – Parting Thoughts