YouTube4155 Videos

TouchDesigner Bullet Solver Collision test

Gumroad – Website – Instagram – #touchdesigner #3drender #td #download #visualizer #download #td #touchdesignercommunity #touchdesignerlearning

TouchDesigner Tutorial Track People with Moving Lights How To #touchdesigner #hokuyo #blobtrack

Step by step instructions to create a system to track people with DMX moving light fixtures. TouchDesigner Tutorial Short. Using a Hokuyo, Blob Track Chop and GLSL, we create a system to track dancers on a stage or dancefloor.

PointRelax 1.0 – TouchDesigner Tutorial 20

In this tutorial, I’m showcasing the PointRelax 1.0 component I developed using the T3D (3D Texture Operators) Toolkit by Josef Pelz. How to Access the PointRelax Component: 1. Join Josef Pelz’s Patreon at the required tier to get access to the full T3D Toolkit. 2. Download the PointRelax component directly from my Patreon page. This […]

Particles GPU Basics in TouchDesigner

ParticlesGPU basics in TouchDesigner 💻 #interactiveimmersivehq #touchdesigner #particlesystem

ふれる / Fureru – TouchDesigner/InteractiveArt

#touchdesigner #touchme #streamdiffusion Title: “Fureru” (触れる) This interactive art piece explores the sensations, meanings, and complexities born from physical contact. While handshakes are culturally accepted as natural, from a biological perspective they can feel unnatural. Fascinated by the nuanced emotions arising in that gray area, I aimed to capture and express them through this work. […]

T3D 1.10 | Refractive Materials in TouchDesigner

In this video you learn how to render glass-like materials in TouchDesigner in realtime using T3Ds. The newest version of the toolkit, version 1.10 has an updated surfaceT3D that allows you to define refractive material parameters. Together with material maps which can manipulate materials locally, you can create all new aesthetics in TouchDesigner! 00:00 Installing […]

12 The Rest is Silence by Mind Over Midi #touchdesigner #ambienttechno

12 The Rest is Silence by Mind Over Midi TD_999 get the album: #touchdesigner #artistsofinsta #creativecoding #silentseason #ambient #mindovermidi #taylordupree

#noodles #touchdesigner #tutorial

Learn how to create amazing glowing noodle shapes using instancing, position, scale & color effects in this tutorial [03] Light noodles! 💡 Don’t miss out! 👉 Subscribe and become a channel member on YouTube. 🎖️ Get exclusive content on Patreon.


Music I Use: License code: OXMWMXVGTDIBA0ZO

sunnk – full set /// ableton + touchdesigner ::: romanowitch release party, liège 250315

audiovisual performance aboard l’armande, liège, belgium for the release party of thank you @Romanowitch +++ @glitchdotcool filmed by Julianne Kasabalis edited by @Romanowitch

03 Monsoon by Blanket Swimming #touchdesigner #blanketswimming

03 Monsoon by Blanket Swimming TD_998 buy the track: #touchdesigner #artistsofinsta #creativecoding #ambient #loops #drone #blanketswimming #kansascity

Mastering GLSL in TouchDesigner, Lesson 9: Fractals

In this lesson of Mastering GLSL in TouchDesigner, we explore fractals, their mathematical foundations, and how to implement them in shaders. Fractals exhibit self-similarity at different scales, appearing in nature, financial markets, and computer graphics. We’ll introduce complex numbers, explain their role in fractal generation, and dive into Mandelbrot and Julia sets, demonstrating how recursion […]

Fase TouchDesigner

La Gazouze Blanche – Kabylie Minogue Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich – Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker

Demo of my custom Video Synthesizer developed in #touchdesigner

#videosynthesis #videosynth #visualart #visualization #visuals #vjloops

🌱 Steady Tones in Nature 🌱 | A Eurorack Ambient Jam | Touchdesigner AI Visuals

🌱 Steady Tones in Nature 🌱 This piece is about stability in sound—a meditative, continuous flow of steady tones shaped by Mutable Instruments Beads, FX Aid, and the Endless Processor. Subtle movement comes from Ochd, while the CubuSynth CS-20 filter gives the tones their character. In the background, Ableton Live runs two guitar samples, processed […]

TouchDesigner Tutorial: Blob Tracking to Instances & Understanding UV vs Absolute Coordinates

I’ve just released a new TouchDesigner tutorial! Learn how to track blobs in real-time – Project Files Here 👉 📌 Summary Key focus areas include the extraction and application of positional data from the Blob Track operator, along with the conversion of coordinates from normalized UV values to absolute pixel values for proper alignment. The […]

Baseball | Blob Tracking | #touchdesigner

Baseball | Blob Tracking | #touchdesigner — 👋 Hi, I’m sssynthomo. Thanks for visiting my channel! Here you’ll find tips to grow your knowledge of TouchDesigner ⭐️ Blob Tracking Tutorial: ⭐️ Playlist “Touchdesigner”: ⭐️ Interactive Particles with KINECT: ⭐️ Interactive Line | Mouse IN: ⭐️ YouTube Shorts: PC SETUP: AMD […]

TouchDesigner – Beyblade (Sukr) // TOE INCLUDED #touchdesigner #audioreactive #generativeart #glitchart #particles

Flow Field in TOPs – TouchDesigner Tutorial

Super simple and fun network to make a flow field from TOPs + feedback

Unlocking Creativity Master TouchDesigner Basics Today!

💡 Real Lights Extended is not just about learning tools – it’s about understanding the evolution of lighting and show design. The course started yesterday, and in the first lesson, Pavel Zmunchila shares his curated collection of inspiring projects to help you analyze, reflect, and create. ⏳ This is the final week to join! The […]

Controlling a particles sphere with Synthesizers in Touchdesigner

I made a simple red sphere with particles and then mapped Terra Midi CC mode and Torso t-1 triggers (that also trigger Pulsar) into touchdesigner parameters so I can control the shape and movement of objects while playing. This is part of my new live show that features lights, visuals and sounds all connected together […]

touchdesigner audiovisual practice 250319

set practice for @emom_birmingham AT @centrala_space MARCH 20 #glitchdotcool #hyperglitch #glitchmusic #glitch #glitchart #glitchartist #creativecoding #creativecodeart #touchdesigner #generativeart

26 Nasdee 2009 by Moolsaasa #touchdesigner #deeptechno

26_ Nasdee (2009) by Moolsaasa TD_997 buy the track: #touchdesigner #artistsofinsta #creativecoding #moolsaasa #rohsrecords #dubtechno #deeptechno

TouchDesigner – Key commands and workflow tricks

Some of my favourite TouchDesigner key commands and workflow tricks. Key commands list from Matthew Ragan here: Post your favourite key commands and workflow tricks in the comments!

Demo of my custom Video Synthesizer developed in #touchdesigner

Klavierimprovisation in 432Hz #videosynthesis #videosynth #visualart #visualization #visuals #vjloops #432hz #432hzmeditation

Controling Unreal Engine materials with TouchDesigner

Get the plugin here: Or here: For an overview of the OSCToolset Plugin you can see it here: This is a simple example of how to control Unreal Engine materials with TouchDesigner using the OSCToolset Plugin. I also show the new updates for the version 2.1, with improvements and bug fixes : […]

#noodles #touchdesigner #tutorial

Turn simple instances into stunning glowing noodle effects 💫 with advanced position, scale, and color techniques. Learn how in this tutorial [03] Light noodles! 🎥🔔 Subscribe and support the channel as a member. 💎 Get exclusive perks on Patreon.

Audio Reactive Point Cloud in TouchDesigner

Making an audio reactive point cloud in TouchDesigner 💻 #interactiveimmersivehq #touchdesigner #pointclouds #audioreactive

sketch (touchdesigner day 7)

really happy with this one! track is an unreleased song of mine

Ceramic flower interaction | 【Gem Seed】Touchdesigner Course Case Preview (Beginner Friendly)

【Gem Seed】Touchdesigner Course (English Version) is online now! You can find it at the link below: Systematic Learning: Starting from scratch, this course will systematically teach you the tools and techniques of TouchDesigner, gradually building up your knowledge from basic to advanced concepts. Additionally, the course will continue to be updated over time with […]

DATLAB TouchDesigner Meetup VII Livestream

Join us online or in person for our 7th DATLAB NYC Meetup at Chemistry Creative’s Immersive Venue (near the Grand St L Train)! 🎨✨ Date: March 18th, 2024 In-person: Free – Limited to 100 participants – RSVP required to secure your spot. Online: Free – Join us live on YouTube during the event or check […]

10XCC – TouchDesigner – 036

New touchdesigner stream. You can get the file on my Patreon Page. Feel free to also checkout my new online Knowledge Base of creative technologies. I would appreciate a donation because it enables me to dedicate more time and resources to creating content for you. Support me under: or

Image to 3D Fractals – TOUCHDESIGNER Tutorial

Become a member to access this Project File : Discord : Instagram : X : Reddit : ~ Touchdesigner version 2023.11760 ———————————————————————————- Learn how to create a stunning abstract visual effect in TouchDesigner with this step-by-step tutorial! We’ll start by setting up a Movie File In TOP network to load […]

12 KOSMOGENESIS by Vril & Rødhåd #touchdesigner #electronicmusic

12 KOSMOGENESIS by Vril & Rødhåd TD_996 buy the track: #touchdesigner #artistsofinsta #creativecoding #vril #rødhåd #outofplaceartefacts

Switching between video/audio sources in TouchDesigner

A bit about using the Switch TOP to switch/crossfade between video (and audio) sources – maybe based on interaction with an Arduino sensor or some other channel of data. I talk a bit about the Noise CHOP (which I use to simulate Arduino serial data) in the process as well.

Floating shinny boxes – TOUCHDESIGNER

#TouchDesigner #VisualArt #RealtimeArt #CreativeCoding #MusicVisualization #3DArt #LiveVisuals #AbstractArt #InteractiveArt #GenerativeArt #ArtAndTechnology #PsychedelicArt #CreativeCodeArt touchdesigner particles and noise touchdesigner visuals and effects creative coding and art visualizing music through touchdesigner touchdesigner noise-based feedback real-time audio visualizer generative art and design with touchdesigner

TouchDesigner art work

I want to express the emotion of anxiety through the movements of the cage,heart and thron。

Dealing with unruly Arduino sensor data in TouchDesigner

A short video showing some options for wrangling wild sensor data coming from an Arduino into TouchDesigner.

06 Krokodilo by Cut Hands #touchdesigner #powerelectronics

06 Krokodilo by Cut Hands TD_995 buy the track: #touchdesigner #artistsofinsta #creativecoding #cuthands #whitehouse #williambennett #voodoo #industrialmusic

Touchdesigner – Liquid Beings 4.2

You cand find these project file here:

touchdesigner visualizer for dreamloader –

Touchdesigner visualizer / unofficial music video for dreamloader – Follow me on instagram at: lune_ratposting

touchdesigner visualizer for )✧⃛* by ⣎⡇ꉺლ༽இ•̛)ྀ◞ ༎ຶ ༽ৣৢ؞ৢ؞ؖ ꉺლ – )✧⃛*

touchdesigner visualizer for )✧⃛* by ⣎⡇ꉺლ༽இ•̛)ྀ◞ ༎ຶ ༽ৣৢ؞ৢ؞ؖ ꉺლ – )✧⃛* Follow me on instagram at: lune_ratposting

Experimenting with audio-reactive visuals using #TouchDesigner

#touchdesigner #generativevisuals #visualdesigner #experimentation #visualprogramming #datavisualization #toronto #visualgraphics #audioreactive #designfeed

Imminence – God Fearing Man #touchdesigner #avcivfx

For more information, click “Show more”. ►IMPORTANT: I make only video graphic visual effects. And custom BassBoost with Audacity. Music is not my work! If there are copyright issues with any of my videos from producer or label’s side, please send an e-mail to: and I will remove it immediately! #touchdesigner #audioreactive #realtime #music […]

3D Scan Dissolve in TouchDesigner

[WIP] – From dust to dust Photogrammetry scan disintegration in @touchdesigner using the new POPs family See more of my work on my portfolio: #interactive #interactiveinstallation #touchdesigner #glsl #creativecoding #interactiveart #experientialart #immersiveinstallation #immersiveexperience #newmediaart #realtime #generativeart #webgl #installationart #watershed #computationaldesign #realtime #artxcode #motiongrapics #codeart #generativedesign #lakeheckaman #contemporarydesign

2025 Update: Slamtec LiDAR for TouchDesigner

In this updated tutorial, we explore how to set up and integrate Slamtec RPLIDAR into TouchDesigner for real-time interactive installations. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an incredibly versatile sensing technology used in interactive media, spatial tracking, and generative installations. This video walks through installing the necessary drivers, setting up the SlamtecCHOP plugin, and processing […]